Part 1, Chapter 3

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Y/n p.o.v
I don't know how long I was asleep for but when I woke up it was dark out. I sit up and my sides hurt so much but I just push the pain away, I look to the side and see I glass of water and a note.
Omg I feel asleep when Kevin was here, urgh I'm so stupid. Wait did he carry me here. Poor him.
I open the note and read it.

I hope you are feeling better. I took you to bed so you were more comfortable and weren't in as much pain. I also made you some food for when you wake up. Hope you enjoy it, I'm an amazing cook.
Also message me when you wake. I want to know how you are

+82 ********

Thank god he made me food, I am starving. I walk down with the note cause I need to message him. I walk to the kitchen and see a plate of food.
Omg he made waffles. He's amazing, I love waffles so much. I sit down and eat,
Y/n: wow he's a good cook.
I say out loud and no I'm not crazy.

Once I finish I wash my plate up and grab my phone from the living room. I look at the time and realise is 10:45. Damnnn I sleep all day. How am I going to sleep tonight. I type Kevin's number in and text him so he knows I'm okay.

Hey. Its y/n. I'm feeling better now thanks for looking after me and also the food was amazing.

No problem. Glad your okay but why are you up so late. You should rest more.

I slept all day I don't think Im going to get much sleep tonight.

I understand. Anyways Jacob wanted to come and see you today but I said to wait until tomorrow. So do u want me to come and pick you up and take you to school.

I can drive my self. How would I get home if you took me.

I wasn't offering a one way ticket. I can drop you of aswell. I don't want you driving when you are like this.

I'm fine but sure. I can't be bothered to drive anyways thanks.

Okay. 😂
I'll come get you at 7 then.
After we can go get Jacob. Then get breakfast if you want. My treat.

Yeah I'm fine with that. But we can't be late for school. I need to get my grades up.

Dont worry we won't be late. We'll I'm going to hit the deck now. I'll see you in the morning.

Okay well sleep well. And thank you again for today.

No problem. As long as you are okay I'm happy.

After I stop texting him I went to my living room and started watching my show again. Once I finished all episodes I realised it was 2 in the morning. I set my alarm and went to bed.

-- In the morning--
I woke up at 6, feeling so much better than yesterday. Their is only a slight pain in my ribs but I can deal with it. I get up and get washed and dressed in my uniform then I go down stairs grab something to eat and take a few pain killers. I then make sure I have all my stuff and my wallet so I can get some lunch today. I then look at the time and see I have 10 minutes until Kevin is here. I decide to do my eyeliner today as I don't really do it. For me my eyes don't really look that Asian as my mother was English. But we don't talk about her.

Yes my mother is not part of my life anymore. Which is really painful for me and the rest of my family. My mother was an amazing person I loved her so much but a few days after she had my younger sister I found out she passed away. She didn't tell anyone but she had stage 4 lung cancer and she was told if she had the child then it would kill her. She didn't care, she couldn't lose the child. She killed her self to save her own child. I hate to talk about her because it pains me so much because I never got to say good bye to her. It was harder on my father because she never told him anything. The only people that knew was her and my older brother.

Enough about her, I had 2 minutes until Kevin got here to I grab my shoes and quickly put then on then I grab my phone and my bag makes sure everything is in their just to make sure. I then here someone at my door. I open it to find Kevin their.
Kevin: hey. How are you?
Y/n: feeling so much better now. Just a slight pain in my ribs but it's bearable.
Kevin: that's good. oh I got you some coffee.
Y/n: oh my god thank you. I'll need this.
Kevin:okay well let's go and get Jacob and then go get some breakfast.
After he said that we got into his car and he started to drive to Jacobs house. He put some music on and started singing. I couldn't help just starring at him, his voice is so unique and different, it's just beautiful. He continues singing but then notices me looking at him and smiles.
Kevin: what? Is their something in my face or?
Y/n: no no it's just I love your voice. Its so beautiful and different. Its calming as well.
Kevin: thanks. It means a lot. Maybe one day I'll sing for you properly.
He then winks at me and continues singing. I just had to join in, and then we start messing around singing old songs we both love.
We then reach Jacobs house and he runs out and pulls me out the car and gives me a big hug.
Jacob: omg are you okay? How are you feeling? I'm sorry I didn't help. Ahhhh I'm so glad your okay.
Y/n: woah woah Jacob jm fine. Just some pain but I can't get over it.
Jacob: I'm so glad. It was my fault. Im sorry.
Y/n: it wasn't your fault. She was just being a bitch that's all. Now let's get in the car I'm hungry.
We then both get in the car and start driving to a small cafe. The boys just sit and chat until we get to the cafe. Kevin quickly parks the car and we all get out and walk in to the cafe and take a seat. I was looking over the menue and decide on what I want.
Waiter: what can I get for you guys this morning?
Kevin: could I get the starberry pancakes and an ice Americano but that in a takeaway cap please.
The waiter quickly jots it down then looks at Jacob.
Jacob: hmmm could I get plain pancakes with some bacon on the side. And also a strawberry milkshake in a take cup as well please
He also writes that down then looks at me.
Waiter: and what can I get for you gorgeous?
Y/n: ill just get the strawberry pancakes and a banana milkshake in a takeaway cup please
Waiter: yep. Is that all?
We all nod and he tells us that our food should be about 5 minutes.
After that we sit and wait for our food and just talk about random things.
Kevin: so your from Canada, what part?
Y/n: I was born in Toronto but moved to vancouver when I was 6.
Jacob: that's how I met her. She used to live next door to me but then she moved homes.
Kevin: how comes we never met. Didn't you live near me at one point?
Y/n: my family still live near yours but I didn't really go out that much. The only friend I had was Jacob and he lived far from me.
Kevin: oh right. That's why then. Well maybe when we are both next in Canada we can meet up.
Y/n: yeah.
Afyer that our food came and we eat and then left to get to school.
Y/n: wow this banana milk is amazing


Once we get to school we walk in and everyone stares at us. You can here people whispering wondering why they are with me.
Kevin: hey why don't you come and sit with us at lunch. Bring your friends with you.
Y/n: ill ask them.
Kevin: okay well I'm going to get to class. I'll see you their.
After that he walks of with Jacob and I go and find my friends.

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