Part 1, chapter 25

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As we were walking into the room where everyone was we could see people turning up and just some people hanging around out side waiting for others. You also had the people starring at us, most likely confused as to why we got out of a limo. We'll we are a pretty big group lol. I also noticed a lot of people were starring over at me, knowing that most of them have only ever seen me in jeans and a top but now I'm in full glam. Maybe I look ugly?
I pushed such thoughts away and just grab onto Kevin's hand and he smiled down at me.
We got into the hall where everyone was, greeted a few teachers and they compliment us on how we look.
Younghoon: guys let's get a table before more people come and we can't get enough seats.
Teacher: actually guys we have made tables for everyone. Yours is over their, we made sure it was big enough for you all.
Eric: thanks sir
With that we all walked over to the table and most of us sat down while the rest went over to others and had a chat.
I sat down with Kate to my right and Kevin to the left of me. I put my bag and jacket on the chair and looked over at Kate who was having a deep convo with Eric, which I just noticed he was holding her hand.
I quickly pulled out my phone and saw I had a text from Anna.

Hey, I hope you have a good time tonight and spend a lot of time with Kevin. You deserve it, your amazing and I love you.
Good night.

Awww Anna stop don't make me cry my make up. And thank you I'll have a good time, and I'll see you and the other 2 tomorrow morning.

I sent her the text and turned my phone of, so it doesn't distract me tonight.
I then grab Kevin's hand again, because I just love holding it. I look up and see him smiling at me, he then quickly kisses me catching me of guard.
Kevin: you really like holding my hand don't you.
Y/n: yup, its nice and warm and fits with mine perfectly.
Kevin: well you fit with me perfectly.
Y/n: I defiantly do.
Kevin: well then my lady, would you dance with me?
He says standing up and pulling me up with him.
Y/n: I'd be honoured.
After I say that he leads me to the dance floor. Their is already a lot of people out on the dance floor just having fun with their friends, you have the odd couple here and their dancing as well. Kevin brings me into the crowd not letting go of my hand. 

Kevin: Don't let go  of my hand, we don't want any of these guys stealing you from me.

y/n: don't you worry, i wasn't planning on it. 

With that he spins me around and grabs my waist and our body's just move with the music. They play  quite a few hype songs and the other come and join us, me and Kate dancing with each other. Jacob walks over and joins with us.

Jacob: ahhh we have 2 weeks until we graduate, we should plan something.

Kate: why dont we go away for a week?

Y/n: cant I have the kids remember.

Jacob: bring them with you, I'm sure they would love it.

Y/n: fine, Im down go ask the others

With that he walks of and Kate goes back to Eric and they have their little dance and I decide to go back to the table to get my drink. I've been dancing for a hour already, time does go fast when your having fun.
While I'm taking a sip of my drink Kevin walks over and sits down next to me.
Kevin:That was the most dancing I've ever done in my life.
Y/n: *laughs* is someone exhausted already?
I say patting his head. He nods and pouts at me.
Y/n: come here.
I open my arms so I can hug him. He moves his chair closer and leans into me wrapping hsi arms around me with his head on my shoulder.
Kevin: today is ganna be fun. I wounder who will get prom queen and king.
Y/n:I didn't know they were doing that. We will have to see, I'm going to vote for Kate and Eric, their cute together.
Kevin just nods his head. I feel my self being lifted up and placed down on someone's lap, obviously it was Kevin.
Y/n: what are you doing I was comfy?
Kevin: I want to be able to hug you better, and it's comfortable this way.
Y/n: Okay then. *laughs again*
He's acting like a child but it's cute so I don't mind it. I lean into him more and get comfortable. We sit and watch everyone for a little while, soon everyone starts coming back and taking their seats around us tired from all the dancing they've been doing.

ate:Is he sleep?
I turn round and poke his face and his eyes open.
Y/n: nothing we just thought you were asleep.
He just shook his head, then turn to speak to who ever way next to him.
Kate: I think we have to vote soon for Queen and King. That's going to be fun.
Y/n: oh yeah, I didn't know they were doing it. But I know who I'm voting for and before yoy ask I am not saying who.
She pouts and gives me the puppy eyes, which don't work on me. I just shook my head at her and she laughs.
Suddenly one of the teachers starts speaking through the mic.
Teacher: Looks like you are all having fun tonight which is good. I am here to announce you can now vote for prom King and queen. Make sure you vote fairly and no voting for your self. Also couples would be preferred, because if not thats just awkward.
So please come over and vote.
He walks of stage and most people rush over to go and vote while our table wait for it to clear a bit.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2021 ⏰

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