Part 1, Chapter 2

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Y/n p.o.v

I start to open my eyes and realise that I'm in the nurses office, I now remember why I'm here. I try and sit up but my head hurts so much.
?: woah calm down. Don't sit up to fast you'll regret it.
I look to see who is talking to me and notice Kevin sitting their looking worried. He helps me sit up and gives me so pain killers for my head.
Y/n: how did I get here?
Kevin: I took you. You looked really bad, but don't worry sooyoung will get much worse. I have a question though.
(italics is English)
I nod at him to talk.
Kevin: why didn't you fight back. I've seen you fight before.
Y/n: oh. Yeah I just didn't want to make a scene. I also don't want to get in trouble or also hurt someone.
Kevin: I see. Why did she even start on you anyways.
Y/n: because I'm friends with Jacob and she doesn't like it because apparently he is hers.
Kevin:also why are we speaking English?
Y/n: sorry I'm more confident in English.
Kevin: it's okay. I just didn't know you could speak it.
Y/n: yeah I was born in Canada. That's how I know Jacob.
Kevin: ahhh well enough talk how are you feeling do u think you can go to class or do u want me to take you home?
Y/n: I think I might go home. But you don't have to take me.
Kevin: no I insist. Your parents are probably at work.
Y/n: oh I live alone actually. I can just drive my self.
Kevin: give me your keys.
He wouldn't stop until I gave them to him. He made sure I could walk which was very slow and then we walk out to my car. I made sure I had permission first though. We got to my car and we both get in.
Y/n: how are you going to get back to school?
Kevin:I'll just walk back once I know your okay.
Y/n: urghhh I feel bad.
Kevin:don't worry. Let's just get you home.
After that he starts the car and drives me home. On the way I just stare out the window wondering why he helped me out, out of everyone their. Not even Jacob stepped in.

Once I realise I'm out side my home. Kevin gets out and grabs my stuff then comes and helps we get out.
Kevin: you okay?
Y/n: yeah my ribs just hurt a bit.
After that we walk up to hy door and unlock it, I walk in and Kevin follows.
Kevin: you go and lay down ill get you some ice and a drink. I'll also put some painkillers on the table.
I do as he says while he finds his way to my kitchen.
Kevin: is the ice in the freezer?
Y/n: well its not going to be in sink is it?
We both start laughing at his stupid question. I lay down on the sofa and grab a blanket then turn the TV on. A few minutes later Kevin walks in and starts to put the ice on my ribs. I couldn't help but blush from how close he is.
Kevin:this may sound weird but this won't help because the fabric in the way.
Y/n: oh ummm it's fine.
I sit up and lift up my top and put the blanket down. I then lay back down and he puts the ice back on.
Y/n: ouch that kinds hurts.
Kevin: it will you did take a few blows and they were quite hard. Lucky your face didn't get any scratches.
Y/n: what do you mean by lucky?
I don't know if he was meant to say that out loud or not.
Kevin:oh ummm don't worry.
He laughs kind of awkwardly and just hold the ice on my ribs.
After a while of just awkward silence Kevin finally talks.
Kevin:do u want me to stay or leave?
Y/n: well you should get back to school your the top student. Shouldnt be missing much.
Kevin: well I did get permission to leave and look after you. So I can stay and help you out. Just in case.
Y/n: it's up to you. I don't mind. I'm probably just going to watch TV though.
Kevin: and I'll stay and watch TV with you then. So what we watching.
Y/n: I've been watching romance is a bonus book. It's soooooo good.
Kevin: let's watch it then.
I turn it on and he makes him self more comfortable and starts to watch it with me. After a few episodes I start to feel my self feeling sleepy so I just let it take over me not remembering Kevin is their.

Kevin p.o.v

Once she puts the TV on we start to wait the show and it's quite interesting actually. I think maybe 3 episodes in I notice y/n has fallen asleep so I decide to move her into her room so she can rest properly. I pick her up and go to find her room.
Once I found it I layed her down and put her covers over her. I made sure she was comfortable and then left her a note saying I left. After I leave her house I walk back to school to get my own car and drive Jacob home. Relaisng that school has just finished anyways.
I see Jacob running out towards me.
Jacob: yo dude what the hell happened man.
Kevin:well she was hurt because, well, because of you. Soo young didn't want her to be friends with you because apparently you are hers.
Jacob: what the hell. Y/n has been my friend for about 8 years. She can't be doing this. And I'm defiantly not hers, what a slut.
Kevin: yo bro calm down. If you want we can go and see y/n before school tomorrow she's resting at the moment.
Jacob: yeah that's fine. But is she okay.
Kevin: well she has really bruised ribs but that's it. I made sure she's okay and then left.
Jacob: dude thanks for helping her though. I wasn't expecting you out of all people. You've never even spoken to her.
Kevin: now I have. And she's actually a nice person why did you never introduce her to me.
Jacob: sorry kev. Anyways let's get home.
After that we both get in the car and drive home, I'm still worried on y/n's condition.

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