Part 1, Chapter 6

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Y/n p.o.v

Ive been sitting on this roof since the morning and it's now lunch time. I can't even move to go and get lunch. I feel to worth less. Why are they doing this to me. I've never hurt them, I'm always their for them, helping them when they are upset. I've told them everything so what haven't I told them this time.
Once my song finishes the next one comes on and it reminds me of them how we always went out with each other in the holidays, this was our song. Why did they have to do this now?
I didn't realise that some one came up until they were calling my name. I look to the side and see Kevin standing their worried. He notices that I crying and drops his things and rushes over to me.
He sits down and pulls me towards him wrapping his arms around me.
Kevin: hey its okay. I'm here, don't listen to them. They are being childish and stupid. You don't need them. You've got me and the boys okay.
He says rocking me back and fourth trying to calm me down. Maybe he is right. Do I need them, I can be stronger without them. Right.
After a while I have calmed down and Kevin let's me go but grabs my hand and rubs his thumb over the back of my hand to reassure me.
Kevin: why don't we go get done thing to eat and get your mind of those people. You've been up here all day and after school I'll treat you to some ice cream. Sound good.
All I do is nod my head. I picks my things up and then helps me up after not letting my hand go. He grabs his things and then we head down and to the canteen. I couldn't look up as I didn't want people looking at my face as it's probably all red. I hope no one sees it.
We get to canteen and he grabs us some food, we then walk out to where the boys would be and see them all sitting and chatting.
Jacob: their you are? Omg y/n are okay?
Jacob runs at me and gives me the biggest hug. We stand their for about 5 minutes with him not letting me go.
Y/n: I'm fine, I don't really want to talk about it. You can ask kevin if you want I don't mind him telling you and the guys.
Jacob: alright, come on you need to eat.
He drags me over to where Kevin is and Kevin pulls me to sit next to him gabingbmy hand again and not letting it go. He probably just feels sorry for me. He hands me my food and I start to nibble at it, not in the mood to eat.
I zone out when I hear Kevin talking to the boys abut what happened not really wanting to hear it.
I zone back in when the boys pull me up and put me in a group hug.
Sangyeon: we are hear for you y/n. You are now part of our group. You don't need them you have all of us. We are much better than them and more fun.
I couldn't help but laugh at him.
Y/n: thanks guys it means a lot.
They all let me go and sit back down continue talking to each other.
Kevin: you okay now?
I nod and give him a reassuring smile.
He pulls me into another hug and we stay like that for a while.
Kevin: you know, you have made me happier just being next to me. I was so worried when you didn't come to class. I was scared that something happened to you again and I couldn't help you.
Y/n: it's okay, I'm just glad that you came if not I probably would have been uo their all day. And I've been a lot happier as well. You've made me realise that I don't need them. They made me weaker. But being with you and the guys I feel much stronger. I feel like my self.
He just hugs me tighter like he doesn't want to let go, so I burry my head into his chest more.

Jacob p.o.v
(didnt see that coming did ya)
When I saw y/n I was really worried. Her face was all red like she has been crying all day. I run straight to her and give her a big hug.
Jacob: their you are? Omg y/n are okay?
After a few minutes she answers me.
Y/n: I'm fine, I don't really want to talk about it. You can ask kevin if you want I don't mind him telling you and the guys.
I hope nothing bad happened to her, she's always been strong but she's become a lot weaker.
Jacob: alright, come on you need to eat.
I drag her over to Kevin as I see he has her food. When we get to him I see he grabs her hand and pulls her to sit down and I notice he doesn't let her hand go.  I wonder what's going on between them to.

Y/n p.o.v
We let go of the hug when we here the bell go so we grab our things and head towards the next class. I hope no one realises that Im here.
We walk into class and everyone is looking at us.
? : look their holding hands do you think they are a thing?
? : they are kinda cute together.
I realise that we are still holding hands so I quickly let go but I don't think Kevin liked it as he grabs my hand again and we walk to our seats. We both sit down and he still doesn't let go.
Y/n: you can let my hand go now?
Kevin: but I don't want to.
He says without looking at me. I couldn't help but blush and smile slightly. I can tell Kevin noticed because he smiled at me.

After class was finished I packed my things up and grab my bag. Once Kevin was done with his things we walk out and go to meet Jacob.
Jacob: yo guys I'm going to hyunjae so you don't need to drop me of.
Kevin: Alright see you tomorrow bro.
Jacob walks of to meet Hyunjae and me and Kevin walk to his car.
Kevin: just me and you now. Still want to get ice cream.
Y/n: is that even a question. Yes. Ice cream is the best.
I say and hop into the car with Kevin following.
Kevin: okay well let's go. Pick some music.
I grab the aux and plug my phone in and start to play 5 Seconds of summer.
Kevin: no a bad choice.
We both start jamming to the songs until we get to the ice cream place.

We Park the car and head to the shop, we walk through the door and they seat us.
Kevin: so what do u want? Pick anything my treat.
Y/n: ummmmmm I fancy mint choco thta sounds good.
Kevin: okay I'll go order.
Y/n: thanks Moon.
He started to laugh at the nick name and then goes to order for us.
Today has been a long day but Kevin has made it better, he has made me feel wanted and has made me happy when I felt like rubbish.
Once he orders he comes and sits down and we wait for the food to come.
Y/n: how did you know where I was earlier. I've only ever told Jacob about them places.
Kevin: I kinda asked him and he told me.
Y/n: ohhhhh okay. That's fine. But thanks for today. You've made me happier and feel like I'm wanted. So thanks again.
Kevin: it's okay. When the girls told me what happened and why you weren't their I felt like shit. Honeslty, and when you didn't turn up to class I got worried and scared but when I found you I felt relieved a bit. I'm just glad you where okay and not hurt physically. I'll always be here for you.
Y/n: thank you. I'm glad that we are friends now.
When I said that he looked kind of hurt. Did I say something wrong?
After our food came we eat it and then left. We went for a walk around the little town and it started to get dark and I could tell Kevin was getting tired.
Y/nb I think we should get going. You look really tired.
Kevin: alright let's get toy home.
We get to his car and he starts driving back to my house.
Y/n: you are really tired I think it will be dangerous to drive back to your house like that. Why don't you stay at mine tonight?
Kevin: thanks, but I don't want to be a burden.
Y/n: you won't be a burden. And it gets kind of lonely on my own.
Kevin: alright. But let's stop at mine so I can get some clothes first.
We head to Kevin's and I wait in the car while he gets some clothes.

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