Part 1, Chapter 4

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Y/n p.o.v
I walk to our lockers as that's where they are most likely going to be. I takes me about 3 minutes as they are on the other side of the building. When I get their I see Taehee and Chae Young chatting but looking really serious.
Y/n: hey guys.
They both turn around looking worried and when they see me the run straight towards me.
Taehee: omg what the hell happened yesterday?
Chaeyoung: we were so worried
Y/n: Well you know Sooyoung. She came after me yesterday because she saw me with Jacob. She literally beat to the point I passed out.
Chae young: omg what the hell. What did Jacob do?
Y/n: umm.... Nothing.
Taehee: what your telling me he just stood their.
I just nodded. They looked really angry.
Taehee: well then who helped you?
Y/n: Kevin.
I say in a whisper. They both stare at me in shock.
Chae Young: we have a lot to talk about then.
After that I tell them everything that happened and they couldn't stop fangirling.
Taehee: girl your dreams have come true.
Y/n: have they though?
After that the teacher comes in. Time for a boring lesson.

Lunch time

You and the girls are walking to the cafeteria when you remember Kevin asking you to sit with him.
Y/n: hey girls. Kevin asked me if she want to sit with him and the boys.
Chaeyoung:yess come on don't want them to wait do we.

She starts running and me and taehee just laugh because we know she has the biggest crush on Sangyeon.
We all arrive to the canteen and we go grab food. I don't get much because I'm not that hungry. After that we walk to find the boys and I just can't see them. The girls were talking and not even looking. That was until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn round and see Jacob smiling at me.
Jacob:hey we sit outside by the basket ball court.
Y/n: ahhh okay girls come on. They sit out side.
I follow Jacob and we just talk about god knows what and we couldn't stop laughing. When we arrive I see some of the boys sitting and Haveing a chat and the rest are messing around playing some basket ball.
I look ove rand see Kevin shooting the ball in the hoop after that he looks over and notices me. He runs over and gives me a hug.
Kevin: you came?
Y/n: yeah. Why not take up the offer heyyy.
Kevin: I'm glad you came. Come with me ill introduce you to the boys.
You too girls.
We follow Kevin over the rest of them and he calls over the other boys.
Kevin: so guys this is y/n and he friends taehee and Chae Young. They will now be joining us at break times. Y/n this is Eric our youngest this is Hwall, Sunwoo, Hakneyeon, Q, New, juyoen, hyunjae, Younghoon, Sangyeon and you know Jacob.
Aftee he introduced us all we sat and talked until break was over and me and the girls left so we could get to class.
Chaeyoung: wow they were all so nice. But isn't Sangyeon just so cute. Urghhh I think I'm falling in love.
Taehee: we get it you have a crush on him.
She says pushing her slightly. I couldn't help but laugh.
Taehee:but Chae Young didn't you notice how close y/n and Kevin were. I think something is blooming between them.
Y/n: oh shush. He would never like me.
After that I arrive at my class and the girls continue to theirs. I walk in and see I'm the first to arrive. I walk to my seat and get my books out and going through my notes from last lesson.

One by one students were walking in and when Kevin and Jacob walked in they both saved at me and sat down. After another 5 minutes the teacher walked in with loads of books and papers.
Teacher: so here I have tests and your test results. I will give them out at the end. But for now I will be moving people around so they are sitting with people who can help.
Kate with Sojung
Dino with Mia
Sooyoung with jacob
Kevin with y/n
And Lisa with seongwoo
When she read my name with Kevin's I was kind of happy but I can't let him see. Everyone started moving seats and Kevin walked up to me.
Kevin:do you want to stay here or sit over the other side.
I looked over and saw Sooyoung so I told him I want to stay here if that's fine with him. He didn't mind sitting here which was good, but I think he noticed me looking over their to check and he saw Sooyoung.
Kevin: don't worry about her, Jacob doesn't have a choice and he would always choose you over her anyways.
Y/n: yeah I know but I'm afraid she might do something to me again.
Kevin: as long as I'm here she can't touch you.
Y/n: yeah but you won't always be here.
Kevin: I will. I'm now your personal bodyguard.
I couldn't help but laugh at him, why does he make me smile when it's hard for people to do that.
After that the teacher starts her lesson and I had to focus now that he's next to me. I jot down most of the notes but she goes so fast I can't keep up sometimes. I'll just get the notes another day. After lesson she hands us our results, when I get mine j put them in my bag. I'll open them when I'm home. I pack all my things away and start to head for the door.
I walk out the door and was scared because Kevin jumped out at me.
Kevin: hey still need a lift home.
Y/n: after that you can take me to school tomorrow. I think you stopped my heart.
Kevin: or did my cuteness stop your heart.
He says showing aegyo. I slapped his arm and started laughing with him. We walk to my locker and so I could put my books away and then we head to his car. When we get their Jacob js already waiting.
Jacob: what took you guys so long?
Y/n: this nut job scared me to death. And I had to put my things in my locker.
Jacob: sure sure.
We all get in the car and start towards Jacobs home. It wasn't far from the school but Kevin always picks him up so he has company. Once Jacob leaves Kevin head towards mine which is about 20 minutes away. And in that time me and Kevin talk about what ever come to our heads.
We reach my home and when I get out Kevin shouts.
I wave to him and unlock me door. What an exhausting day.

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