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A week later, the boys were visiting you more often, normally without telling you, just surprising you. You enjoyed this, because you could show them that you were actually doing better, rather than faking it for them.

You were still in your straight jacket though, since you had small outburst every couple days. Jinx was always by your side, and he loved putting his paws on your feet when they were hanging off the bed.

Doctor Kwon was very impressed with how determined you were to get out of the hospital. You took your medication as soon as she brought it to you, you started eating more regularly, and you got eight hours of sleep or more every night.

In fact, you were laying on your side, back to the door, about to drift off when someone opened your door. "Oh, she's sleeping."

You recognized Chan's voice, then Minho's. "Should we go back then?"

"Yeah," Chan replied. "Oh, I talked to Jisung last night. As of right now, he has everything under control and he said he'd contact us if he needed something."

"That's good."

Their voices trailed off and the door shut, and you instantly sat up. You looked down at Jinx, who was already looking at you. Beyond angry, you groaned loudly and started working at your straight jacket. After several minutes of struggling with the white material, you finally got it off and threw it to the side.

"Jinx," you bent down and grabbed his face. "We're out of here."

He barked and stood up as you put his harness and leash on. You turned around and pushed the empty metal cart at the end of your bed into your wall aggressively, hiding by the door. At the noise, one of the ward nurses came into your room, and she gasped loudly when she saw you weren't in your straight jacket, and you seemed to have escaped, but you didn't.

"I'm sorry for this." You pushed her away from your door and she stumbled onto your bed. "Jinx, go boy!"

After he ran out of your room, you followed after him, slamming the door to your room shut. Alarms in the hospital were blaring, but you and Jinx managed to dodge almost all of the doctors and nurses in the hallways by hiding behind the walls. You were almost at the fire escape when one of the doctors turned the corner and spotted you.

You stood in the hallway and stared at him, and he turned right back on his heels and ran away from you. You laughed and opened the door to the fire escape, causing even more alarms to go off. You and Jinx hurried down the stairs and to the exit door, slipping out of the building and sneaking around the side to avoid the entrance. The two of you ran away from the building, hiding in the bushes to take a breather.

"Good boy, Jinx." You smiled. "Good boy."

"She what?" Ki-Bum exclaimed. "Did you just say she escaped?!"

"She got out of her straight jacket," Doctor Kwon paused. "I didn't even know that was possible!"

"Apparently everything is possible with Y/N." Ki-Bum groaned. "Are you looking for her?"

"We have an amber alert out and we've contacted the police."

Chan pushed his hair back. "Minho and I were just here. She was sleeping."

Your friends didn't even get the chance to leave before the alarms started blaring and doctors started panicking.

"Something must've woken her up." Doctor Kwon shrugged. "She was doing so good. Now this."

"Got out of the her straight jacket." Changmin repeated under his breath, shaking his head.

Chan sighed exasperatedly. "We'll help you find her."

You snuck around the boys' house, trying to find an unlocked window, and you finally did. You pushed up on the base and opened the window completely, getting Jinx in the window first, then yourself. You rushed to Jisung's bedroom and noticed a box sticking out from underneath his bed.

You pulled it out and set it on his bed, throwing the lid off. Inside were files, paperwork, and things that you had never seen before. You opened the file on the top and saw Taejun's picture. You shut it and put it back, grabbing more of the paperwork out of the box.

"'Fear is your worst enemy. I know what you fear most.'" You read aloud, scanning the other papers. "Are these threats?"

Some of them were directed to you, some of them were directed to who seemed to be Jisung. Except, all of the envelopes that the threats came in only had your name on them. Every single one of them, but none of them were addressed to your apartment.

The last thing in the bottom of the box was a classified file. You read over it, getting angrier and angrier by the second. You scoffed and kept that file out while you put everything else in the box. You grabbed a few of Jisung's clothing items, along with his cologne. You grabbed one of his backpacks from his closet and shoved the items in there.

You made sure everything was exactly how you found it and grabbed Jinx's leash. "Let's go, boy."

The two of you left the house the same way you entered, walking to your next destination on foot, despite how bad your legs hurt from all the walking you had been doing. You tried taking shortcuts, shortcuts where nobody would see you. You knew that everyone must've been looking for you. So, when you got to your apartment building, you went through the back entrance and took the stairs up to your floor, rather than the elevator.

You got to the door of your apartment and noticed that there was police tape in front of it. You covered your hand with the sleeve of your jumper, reaching over the tape carefully to see if the door was unlocked, which it was. You and Jinx both went under the tape and you shut your front door, without touching the knob, and went straight to your bedroom.

You were very careful to make sure fresh prints wouldn't be found if someone went looking for you at your apartment. All you needed was some money you stored away for emergencies, clothes, your laptop, government identifications, both of your guns, your pocket knife and the picture of you and Jisung you held near and dear to your heart.

Once you were finished gathering everything you needed, you snuck back out and exited the building. You pulled your phone out of your pocket and turned your location off, then you dialed a number.


"It's Y/N." You said. "I need a favor."


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