thirty five.

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After three hours of congresswomen and congressmen questioning your ability to be an agent, they were finally asking the last set of questions.

"This isn't the first time you've put your own life on the line for someone else." Congresswoman Song said. "Why do you do that?"

You thought for a moment. "Honestly, it's an instinct."

Congressman Kim leaned forward. "Do you still want to be an agent? The leader of your team?"

You opened your mouth to say something, then closed it. You weren't sure why you were hesitating- of course you still wanted to be an agent.

"I do." You replied.

"Would you consider becoming director of the agency?" Congresswoman Jung asked.

"No." You said. "I don't want to be director."

"You're very fit for the part-"

"No disrespect, but I want to be in action. Not sitting in an office."

They nodded and dismissed the court room, only you and your team staying behind. You stood up and straightened your blazer out, looking up at the older men and women.

"You're still fit to be an agent, even after everything that has happened in recent years." Congresswoman Song said. "Just take your time, as much as you need."

You gave her a small nod. "Thank you, ma'am."

You joined your friends and left the courtroom, taking a breath of fresh air. Jisung slipped his hand into yours and smiled.

"Celebratory dinner?"

Back at your apartment, you cleaned, just to pass the time. You found yourself looking down at where Taejun shot you, until Jisung came and put a hand on your back.

"You okay?"

You nodded. "Yeah. It's just kind of weird to stand in this area."

There was a knock on the door and Jisung answered it, and in came an excited Ki-Bum. He engulfed you into a hug, and you laughed into his shirt.

"I was out of town when you got back and nobody told me that you were back." He said. "I'm sorry I wasn't here for that."

You smiled and patted his arm. "You're here now."

"Just don't run off like that again, okay?"

"No promises."

He playfully rolled his eyes and gave you a kiss on the head. "We'll spend more time together tomorrow? It's late and I don't want to keep you guys up too long."

You nodded and sent him off with another hug. Once the door shut, you sat on the couch, Jisung's head in your lap.

"Where's your head at?" He whispered.

"I don't know." You whispered back. "I can still feel the white phosphorus tingling on my skin, I can still feel Taejin grabbing my face, and I can feel Finn's eyes on my body-"

Jisung sat up and cupped your face, his touch so different from the people who have grabbed your face over the past weeks. "But you're safe here. I can't imagine the pain you went through, but that's over."

"It's over, but it doesn't feel like it."

He kissed you, holding your hands as he pulled away. "When I saw you in that garage, I felt so bad. I just didn't expect to see you, especially looking so broken."

You nodded. "I was."

Your mind went to the club back in Paris, and you remembered something.

"I went to the club in Paris for intel, and I saw you with Tiffany." You told him. "I got so angry at first. How could you touch another woman when I'm supposed to think you're dead? I figured you did it to get close, but seeing you with your hands on her almost made me blow my cover."

"I wouldn't do that unless it was to help with a mission, you know that. The only woman I love is you, and my mom of course."

You smiled. "Speaking of her, did she know that you weren't actually dead?"

"Yeah." He nodded. "But she knew that there was a reason."

You hummed in response. "You really had no idea that I was in Paris?"

"I kind of had this feeling that you were close," he admitted. "Like I was telling myself that something wasn't right. When we found out that one of Taejun's cell members was put away, we couldn't figure out who caught him. I had this thought that maybe you figured it out, nothing gets past you, you know?"

"I was watching the news coverage about the bombing and your back was turned to the camera, but I knew it was you. I had never felt so relieved, knowing that you were actually breathing and alive." You told him. "The officer guarding the scene said that you did a good job of processing it, by the way."

He smiled, his eyes searching yours for a moment, the room silent. "Do you wanna try again?"

"What?" You questioned. "For a baby?"

"Yeah. I do."

"You already want to try again?"

"Yeah, but your recovery comes first." He smiled. "I was so excited to have a family with you, so whenever you're ready, I'm ready."

You chuckled, playing with your fingers. "We can try again soon."

His eyebrows jumped, not expecting you to be ready anytime soon. He leaned in and kissed you once, then twice a longer time.

When he pulled away, he had a cute smile on his face. "The thought of having little Y/N's running around makes me so happy."

"Yeah, until they turn out to be like their father."

"Hey," he tilted his head. "What is that supposed to mean?"

You laughed and patted his chest. "What if we have a hyperactive little Jisung running around the house?"

"You already have one," he grinned triumphantly. "What's the harm in having another?"


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