thirty four.

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After some extreme digging, your team had a whole list of things that they found from that flash drive that Hyunjin got. So, when you came in the next morning, they all rushed to you and started talking all at once.

"Wait, wait." You said. "What's happening?"

"Y/N, he really has something against you." Minho said. "These emails are so gruesome and horrible, I don't even think Taejun would go this far. There have also been wire transfers that he's made once every month for three years, and the deposit is two thousand dollars every time."

"Read me some of the emails-"

Minho held his hand up. "Oh, no. No way."

You gave him a look. "Please."

He sighed and rolled his eyes dramatically. "'I don't care if you have to literally tear her apart. Get rid of her for good so I don't have to see her every day for the rest of my life.', another one says, 'Make her suffer. Reflect how insufferable she is onto her, make her feel what it's like to be miserable.', and another one, 'Mutilate her.'"

"Wow." You said. "That is horrible. I didn't know he felt that way about me."

You sat down and sighed exasperatedly as the elevator dinged and someone ran off the elevator. When you looked up, you saw Riku and all you could do was stare at him as he stood in front of your desk.

"Riku." You laughed. "I thought you were in Japan?"

"Before I knew you just came back from hell. How are you doing?" He asked.

"I could be better. You?"

"I am much better now that I know you still seem to be your normal self." He replied. "So, white phosphorus?"

You nodded and clicked your tongue, smiling. "Not something on my bucket list, but I'll have to live with it."

He chuckled and ruffled your hair. "I leave for a year and everything seems to happen."

"It's getting much more interesting by the minute." Chan spoke up. "I just found something that you might want to see, Y/N."

You got up and walked to Chan's desk, bending down to be at his level. "What?"

"These are emails between him and your father. They must've been wiped off of the computer at the prison your dad was at and that's why we didn't see them three years ago, but they're still on his computer." He told you. "This is-"

"Just fantastic?" You scoffed. "He arrested my father and his sidekicks with us. How could we not see all of the signs?"

"Because there weren't any." Felix said. "Nobody saw this coming. We all thought he was on our side, Y/N."

You thought about everything, a very hard realization hitting you like a truck. "Then why would he send Jisung to a foreign country to find people that he created? Why not do anything when I went to Paris to find him? He was certain that we wouldn't make it back. He was certain that his cell would kill us. He put Jisung's safety in danger because of his own selfishness."

You calmly walked off so nobody would try to stop you, then you ran down the small hallway to get to Changmin's office, but when you turned the corner, there was a gun to your head. You pursed your lips as he turned you around and walked you back out to the squad room, where he was now in sight of every single agent on that floor. Every single one of them went for their weapons.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you!" Changmin yelled, pushing the gun closer to the back of your head. "If you shoot me, this bomb I have strapped to my chest will go off!"

"You're bluffing." You growled.

Changmin leaned into your ear. "Really? Why's that?"

"You wouldn't off yourself when your only priority is killing me. You would die for sure. Me? There's no telling what else I can withstand." You said. "Good try, though."

"Do you know what I'm not bluffing about?" He asked.

You looked up and made eye contact with Jisung as Changmin spoke. "What?"

"My hatred for you, Y/N. I hate you for the very reason you honor all of the names on your shoulder. They are all dead, because you are an incompetent agent and you don't care about anyone but yourself." He said. "Your mother is the center of this problem. She was amazing and you let her die."

"Then why did you wait so long to get your revenge?" You closed your eyes. "You waited until my father would get released for parole. That was your first move, have him kill me. When he failed, you found Taejun and got the cell together."

"You did your homework." He turned you around and hit you with the butt of his gun, busting your lip. "That's an invasion of privacy."

You propped yourself up on your elbows. "You know what's an invasion of privacy? You pretending to be like a father to me while mine was out of the picture, when in reality you wanted to spill my blood all over the floor. When in reality you're worse than my father in a way. At least my father wasn't a coward like you, at least he let me know how much he hated me. You are the incompetent one, Changmin."

He grabbed your face, the same way that Taejun would, and you tilted your head, a hidden grin on your face as your last straw snapped.

"I am so tired of people grabbing me." You whispered, making scary eye contact with your director. "So sick and tired."

Jisung looked at Chan, asking what was happening, so Chan leaned over. "This is how Y/N used to act before she had an episode. I think she's pretending, to make Changmin vulnerable."

"Really? I'm sick and tired of good agents dying because of you." Changmin bit.

You hummed and slapped his arm away from you, grabbing his gun with a strength he didn't know you had. "I tried everything to keep them safe. I did. After they were injured, I was usually covered in blood by the time they were gone, because I tried saving their lives. What did you do to honor them? You didn't even show up at their funerals."

"Because it hurt."

You hummed and slowly stood up, bringing him with you. You smiled an alarming smile, handing his gun to Riku.

"I can live with the fact that you want me dead, but I can't live with the fact that you put Jisung in danger, expecting him to die. Putting my team in danger because of your selfishness. That was the first mistake you made."

"I don't make mistakes." He said.

"I'm still alive." You smirked. "Whoops. I'm not so incompetent now am I?"

Jisung handcuffed Changmin and handed him off to two other agents, then he came back to you. He bent down to make eye contact with you, his hand gentle against your bicep.

"Chan said that's what it looks before you have an episode. Are you about to have an episode? Do I need to take you to the doctor?" He asked.

You smiled and shook your head, cupping his cheek. "I was faking so he'd take his guard down. I'm okay."


He held his pinky out, so you linked yours with his. "Promise."

"That was terrifying." Jeongin admitted.

"Why do I always come when weird things happen?" Riku mumbled, making you laugh. "Am I wrong?"

"No, you're not wrong." You replied. "After this streak of near death, I expected to get shot, I expected someone to get hurt."

You sat back down on the floor and sat against your desk, taking a deep breath of air. Your heart was still racing, blood was still gushing from your lip, and you started to think that maybe you were incompetent as an agent.

"Nobody got shot." Chan said. "So you can really breath and take a minute."

You needed more than a minute to breathe.


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