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After the three bundles of joy are born into the world, I notice that my princess is smaller than the other two. " What are you looking at sweetie?" taehyung asks me and I look over at him. " 2 things. 1: don't call me sweetie. and 2: Jaehyung is smaller than the other two." I say and look back to my baby girl. " Oh Baby boy... I can call you whatever I want and since they're already born, you can get punishments again." He says and waks up to the three sleeping baby's.

" If only we had all boys. We would have been loaded. But we can also marry out daughter off to someone else for company buisness." I'm in shook at what he just said. "Kim Taehyung?! Did you really just say that about our daughter?!" I say trying not to be too loud and disturb their sleep. I got up because I was weraing regular cloths and they said I could walk if I wanted to. " How dare you! I'm going home after this and I'm taking them with me." I say and go back to sit down on the bed. I feel the bed dip and I look up to see Taehyung woth a devious smirk plastered on his face. " What do you think you're doing? And also where are you getting all of this confidence from?" He was getting closer as he said this and I know that he would do something bad to me. Before I knew it he was on top of me and inches away from my face. " Don't think that I won't do it cause we're ina hospital." He whispered into my ears and nibbling at them.

I reach up to the asistant buttin and and doctor walks in and sees what's happening. " Sir can you pleasse get up off of him, he's not ready to have sexual interactions till about 2 weeks. This is also a hospital." And Taehyung had anger in his eyes and got up. " Sorry about that. We were just so eager from not being able to have sex for so long. " Taehyung said with a fake happy face on looking back at me. " Kim Jungkook, I also need to speak with you in private so I'm gonna have to ask you to leave." the doctor says looking at Taehyung. He got the message and left the room leaving me the babies and the doctor in the room.

" I work woth Jin and he said he had some concerns about your home life. How is it exactly?" the doctor asked me and I think. 'should I tell him the truth or the sugar caoted version?' I guess I might as well tell him the real version. " you see, I don't know how far away I am from home. I was kinda forced into this relationship and the kids. He forced me to heve the kids and I tried to tell him that I was only 19 and he just ignored me and went through with it. I tries to escape several times and he just abused me and when I was pregnant, things got better and I wasn't being abused or fucked like I had been. I only got to see my friend for the first time yesterday and that was 5 minuted before I went into labor. I've been so far awat from home I wonder if they're even lookign for me. Thsi wasn' tplanned. None of this was!" I ended up yelling and waking up Jeonmin. " Sorry. I was just letting my emotions take me over." I say then go and pick up Jeonmin and try calming him down. " I also wasn't told that I was aparently married to him untill I hear people call me Kim Jungkook. I hat that bastard." I say and th edoctor had alot written down on the papre. " I see. Do you want to go home and do you want to press charges against him? Cause we can. You have been through alot." I shake my head 'yes' and lay Jeonmin down after he calme down. " Do you want him around the kids? I mean did he threaten to do stuff with the kids?" He asked and I responded with: " Yeah, but not sexually, he threated to marry off the youngest of the three to another CEO's son for 'buisness' reasons. I tols him now and that's when he got intop of me and when you walked in." " Do you want him back in here?" he asks me and I look at him. " Would you want someone who forced you into having their kids with you and abused you, voulintarily let be around you? NO? That's what I thought." Then i say down and look out of the window.

"It's settled then. I'll bring this to the police and we won't let him back here. How does that sound?"

" Good." I say continuing to look out the window with tears starting to fall from my face.

But they aren't sadness tears

They're from knowing that me and the kids are free from Taehyung now.

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