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I don't really know what happened to Damien to change his mind cause he just wanted to retire the Alpha title a little to early than he promised. But mostly is because he wants to spend alot of time with his family and be able to be fully available to protect them since the attacks around the other packs are getting more and more aggressive. But also he says it will help boost my confidence if I claim the title earlier.

Everything is just going very fast than expected, it has only been two months since the return of my mate and the increasement of new members into the pack. Yes new members cause the hunter warriors gladly accepted the offer to stay without much convincing although they are still worried about their families at purity pack.

The brothers also agreed to join us and even started to try dealing with all the mating thing with their mates. Its not like they are already marked like they belong to Forest Hill pack but they did agree to be one of us so they could take down their fathers and make changes to their pack and to become better leaders to their people.

Thankfully Jordan is the best warlock cause he did hide their bond between them and their pack and closed all the mindlink so they wouldn't be able to communicate with their people back home or if their anywhere close enough to be detected by their warriors or fathers. It was a willing decision of course.

I don't really know what will happen to my betas and gammas when it comes a time for them to choose between pack duties and mate. Cause they will have a huge decision to make as Cole, Darius and Levi are the next leaders to their people/kind. Alex can always be free to choose his mate cause I will still have Myron for head of warriors. It sometimes gives me headaches when I think about it.

' Don't beat yourself up. You still have me and Trevor', Luke whines in my head.

' I know'. I sigh as I try to fix my bow tie which am failing miserably. ' The thing is that I have to find another people whom I can trust to give them the tittles'.

'Hey you still have your other brothers remember?'

' For starters they are not our kind. Jordan really wants to be a doctor and not a beta. I don't think if Avery will even think twice because he will have to choose between Matt, Levi and being a beta I don't want to burden him more than he already have in his plate right now'.

' Well my human your doomed'.

' You don't say'. I half whisper to myself.

"I could help you with that". I hear Levi's voice from behind me.

Well for the past few weeks Levi and I have became pretty good friends which is kinda weird but its cool. Still he has not forgiven Trevor yet but I think one day he will understand and forgive him.

" You clean up good". I tell him as he gets closer to where I am. He is wearing a dark maroon tuxedo, black shirt with dark maroon bow tie.

" So do you". He smiles as he ties the tie slowly and steady. " There you go".

I turn to look myself in the mirror approving his skill. " Woow".

" Looking good boys". Trevor enters the room and he hasn't even dressed yet.

" Trevor your not dressed yet and the ceremony is about to begin in half an hour". I ask in a panic tone.

" I went to get you your present, i didn't think it would take this long." He comes and gives me a quick kiss on my cheek. " I'm sorry but I will be fast. I promise".

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