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Having one baby in the house is a handful but having two of them is a disaster. They sometimes cry without a reason okay maybe they do have a reason but none of us speak baby. They sometimes get mad and throw things everywhere and start to scream. But sometimes they can be little angels who laugh, play and agree with everything you tell them.

At least I had that experience before with Mark, Max and Trevor and over again with Tyler but Damien here is all new to him cause he experienced leaving with Dylan when he was a little older than this two sweet little people.

Reaching at the babies room,  I find Damien asleep on the swinging chair with Daizy and Devyn on each of his arms.  They look peaceful and adorable. After a minute just watching them,  I hear the entrance door opens and closes almost the same time.

Walking downstairs,I hear shuffling at the kitchen. So I decide to follow and there stands Tyler at the fridge taking a bottle of water.

" Where were you? ",  I ask him.

" Out with Maxine ",  He replies without facing me.

" I thought I told you that you're not supposed to go anywhere".

" Yes I remember, but I don't really care". He says as he passes me.

" Don't you walk away while am talking to you",  I yell at him.

" Whatever ",  he continues to walk.

" Tyler! ",  I shout.

Ooh.. He is really getting me on my nerves.

" Tyler ",  I call again. But before I could call again I hear him shutting the door.

" Hey what was all that? ",  Damien asks quietly as he comes to where am standing.

I just look at him and felt very bad as we might have woken him from his peaceful sleep.

" I am sorry I woke you ",  I say as I kiss his cheek while he seats on one of the stools.

" Is Tyler okay? ",  He asks as he takes me to his lap.

" I don't even know what is wrong with him",  I sigh

" Do you want me to talk to him?".

" I don't think he is listening to anyone right now ".

" I can try,  you never know".

" If you insist",  I smile at him.

Cries erupts from the nursery,  and before we could even think of standing up from this position they both go quiet.

That's strange.

" I will go check on them",  I stand and go to the nursery. Reaching there I find Tyler on the swinging chair with both of them on his arms singing slowly to them.

He only looks up to look at me then he goes on singing to the kids.  So I just smile and go back to where I left Damien.

Damien decided to make dinner and I went back sitting to where he was seating earlier and watch him cook.

Since he retired, Damien spends most of his time at home with the kids as he wants to spend most of his time with them before he goes back to work. He wants to open a restaurant outside the pack's boarder so both humans and werewolves can both get something to eat. It is not like his a great chef or something but he only wants something to keep him busy for the day, so he has to hire a chef and some other staff members but he will be the one responsible with everything( manager).

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