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" Where the hell is he?".

I hear Dylan's voice coming from the living room, as I am currently in my room lying on the bed facing away from the door. Not sleeping or thinking just crying myself out.

From the park, Avery and Jordan took me home when I started to cry none stop. From my guess, I think they couldn't handle the crying Luna in front of them so they decided to get me home, in my room at my bed.

It did not take long for Dylan to find me, cause the door is burst open.

" What is this am hearing about you want to break our bond?" He growls in a very deep voice, indicating that both he and Luke are present.

And here I thought he is here cause I was crying like a baby for him.

So I wipe away my tears so he wouldn't know that am crying.
Who am I kidding... My eyes are all puffy, red and wet.

" I was considering yes", I answer sharply standing up to face him.

" Why would you even consider doing that?" He growls. Well, it doesn't even bother him to see me crying.

" Don't growl at me", I yell wiping another traitorous tear. " And yes I did consider it because my mate is not here to give me any kind of ideas on how to deal with this ".

" I promised that I would help", He says coming more further inside the room. Maybe he is concerned as to why am crying.

"Except doing that! ", I let out heavy breathing. " You can't help me with promises Dylan. I need to do this one thing on my own".

Dylan stares at me like I am crazy.

" Why can't you just let me do this one thing? ". I plead.

He looks at me, his eyes are flickering from normal amber to brighter amber,and the next thing he walks out.

" Dylan" I call.

No response he keeps on walking.

" Dylan", I try again.

He is almost at the door.

So I run after him and find him almost out of the house.

" Dylan", I shout his name this time.

" What? ", he turns and he is angry like black eyes angry. " What do you want from us, Trevor ?"

" I want you to just understand me for once".

" We can't do that Trevor", he pauses " Just do whatever you want to do I am done. You want to go on a suicide mission, go. You want to break the bond, do that. Do whatever you want to do".

Off the door, he shifts and runs away.
Living me at the doorsteps with a confused Avery, Alex, Jordan, Myron, Max, Mark, Matt, Chris, and Nick.

I turn around looking at them " I will be in my room".

" Trev - " Alex starts.

" And no one to disturb me". I say talking my first step of the stairs.

Walking inside my room, I decided to take a quick shower maybe it will make me feel better.
No more crying, I say to myself.

After a few minutes in the bathroom, I was done. Putting on my sweatpants and T-shirt. I climb on my bed taking my laptop so I could do something productive as am trying not to sleep or cry again.

After an hour of typing, browsing, and planning for my future, I hear a tiny knock at my door.

I don't respond at first, then the person knocks again and opens the door slightly.

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