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It is another beautiful morning the sun is shining so bright, birds are chirping everywhere and it is chilly outside which it is the best weather I could ask for because am outside training. Who would ever thought sweating and being breezed by wind would feel so energetic that someone can train all day. Good thing it is weekend.

Today am training with the hunter warriors including Tyler just outside the pack house, we are all currently shirtless just wearing sport shorts making our hunter's marks to be visible to everyone. Well hunter's mark comes visible the moment you start to embrace your hunter's side and the hunter's mark shows what kind of weaponry someone will be using it is their inner strength weapon.

I have a sword mark on my back, Jared has a spear on his back, Henry has an arrow on his back, Patrick has an axe on his chest, Jeremy has daggers on his both shoulders, George has a bullet on his chest and the rest of them have different kind of weapons that I don't even know their names yet but on the other side Tyler has an arrow on his back and three little throwing knives known as Kunai on his chest. Which it is rare for one hunter to have more than one weapon but Ty is considered lucky one or maybe one of the weapon belonged to his father once cause he never became a full hunter he inherited one or he is just lucky.

Henry is training Tyler to shoot arrows as he is also an arrow guy and am sparing with Jeremy and Jared, while George is far from us doing his target practice and the rest of them keeping on training themselves according to their own weapons. After three hours of training non-stop we all drop down exhausted trying to catch our breath.

" When are you going to silver moon pack?" Tyler asks as he comes to sit next to me.

I look at him wondering why he asked, " Soon, why?"

" I was wondering if I could tag along". He asks looking everywhere but me.

I let out a laugh, " You know Myron won't let you go alone".

" I know, that is why we will both go with you". He says lying on the grass. " So, can we come?"

" Yeah sure, why not".

He smiles widely as he closes his eyes which I nudge him to his side. Before I could say anything my phone rings. Looking at the caller ID it is Damien. So I pick up.

> Good morning Damien< The moment I greet him Tyler shoots up sitting looking at me shaking his head vigorously.

> Yes he is here with me< Tyler groans as he lies back to the ground.

> Okay I will, see you soon< I hung up the phone.

" Did you just stood up your papa?" I ask him.

" I did not, I just forgot. He is going to kill me", Tyler says standing up from the ground collecting his things.

" He gave you five minutes to get home, you better run". I tell him has he starts to run inside the pack house probably to look for Myron.

Looking at everyone else I see them they are all tired so there is no point, " Okay everyone hit the showers I believe breakfast is ready, see you guys later".

" Yes Alpha", They all respond and off they are gone leaving me sitting alone.

Well Dylan got out of the hospital yesterday and believe me there is still tension between us. I know he wants me to talk about it but I just can't bring myself to do that. So after yesterday's encounter we never talked about it again and we pretended like it never happened.

" Hey bro", Mark greets as he sits beside me.

" Hey", I greet back.

He looks at me with worried face, " So whats going on in your pretty little head?"

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