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I wake up to find Dylan's arms around me as he pulls me against his chest, kissing the back of my neck has we are still both naked from the encounter of last night's events. So I turn around as am being met by his lips, he tugs me to him as he rolls us over so he could be on top of me.

I really hate myself to ruin this moment but I really need to talk to him. Which I guess he sensed it as he stops kissing me and looks at me.

" Really?" He sighs as he lays back down on the bed.

" I am sorry but I really need to talk to you", I say sitting up.

" I know that you don't want to, so its okay", He says sitting up too.

I put my both hands on his face," I want to". I tell him.

" Okay", He responds.

I look at him for a moment not knowing where to start and he doesn't push it.

" I almost lost you and it terrified me alot. I hated you for doing that to me cause I wasn't ready to loose you and for that I got really mad at you that I couldn't bring myself to be near you at the hospital because every time when I try to get close to you all I could see is you running back inside the burning house" I start.

" Trev I..."

" Let me finish first", I cut him off which he only nods. " Seeing you lying in the hospital bed like that made me think that the neckless was more important than me and it did hurt alot. I was in pain and I took it out on Jordan and the mirror. I know you made me a promise and I know you will forever keep it but it didn't have to cost you your life. So next time before you do something rational and stupid would you atleast think of me first".

" I am sorry I put you through that and I promise I will always come back to you. I can't promise on how I will make my choices but I promise you that you are always on my thought before I doing anything.  Because I love you too much to break your heart".

" And I love you too". I say leaning in to kiss him.

" So should we continue where we left off", He asks as he lays me down.

" You mean make up sex", I smile at him.

" What now?" He asks narrowing his brows.

" Don't worry big guy follow my lead".



I yawn as I stretch myself. Opening my eyes it is dark outside and I feel tired, soar and most of all hungry. I haven't eaten since yesterday lunch. I can't believe we have been in this bed for a day and a half. Looking at Dylan he is still asleep as if he was the one who was bottomed all night and day.

I get out of bed wincing at the pain on my lower back as I start limping to the bathroom. Believe me next time I will triple bottom him. Well make up sex is the best, because it beyond normal sex. Its the sex that will make your eyes roll back to your head, making your body to vibrate as if you are having a seizure and its on fire as everything explodes inside your body and you don't want the feeling to end. Maybe they shouldn't call it make up sex and instead evil sex cause that type of sex is evilly epic.

I open the hot and cold water taps filling the bath tub. When it was full and hot enough I close the taps and I get in. I could feel all the pain being washed way and new feeling starts to appear, so I close my eyes to relax.

Moments later I feel some strong arms carrying me out of the tub to the bedroom. I don't really have to open my eyes to know who cause those sparks are flying everywhere. He seats me down on the bed as he dries me off. When he was done he walks into the closet and finds me something to wear.

" I can do that myself thanks", I say with another yawn which he only smiles at me kissing my forehead and walks to the bathroom and in a minute I could hear the shower running.

I put on the clothes that he brought for me, which is sweatpants and one of his T/shirts. When I was done and he was out of the bathroom. Putting on his clothes which also a sweatpants and one of my T/shirt we walk out of our room and decide to go look for food as its almost 10pm and its past dinner time.

We walk directly to the kitchen and no one is around, looking for anything to eat but none is found.

" So what should I make for us?" Dylan asks as he starts to go through the pantry as I go through the fridge.

" There is milk, eggs, beacons, sausages and juice in the fridge", I tell him.

" And there is bread, muffins, fruits and cereal", He brings them on the island table ."So what should we eat?"

" Everything", I reply as I take the eggs, bacons, sausages, juice and milk out of the fridge.

" Okay.." He trails looking at me to see if am serious.

" starving". I say.

So I take one carton of eggs that has twelve eggs inside, I take one pack of bacon that has fourteen slices, I pack of sausages that are twelve inside, the juice and the milk box . I turn on the stove and start we start to cook. After ten minutes everything is laid on the table, it is like we are feeding an army.

We start to eat as we make small conversation about everything.

" Did you know your brother proposed to my brother?" I ask Dylan as I put a fork full of eggs in his mouth.

" Yes, he told me before he did it". He replies.

" And you never thought to tell me?"

" Well you weren't in the mood to talk to me".

Before I could utter another word someone walks in. " Alphas". She greets and kept on staring at us. She is around fifteen or sixteen, brunette and tall.

" Can we help you with something, Talia?" Dylan asks.

" Not really, I came looking for something to eat cause I missed dinner. But by the looks of it you guys have everything in this kitchen. No offense". She says still looking at the table.

Which I only stifle a laugh, " Hey grab a plate and you can have some". I tell her.

" Really?" She asks. " Cause you guys looks like..."

" Talia", Dylan growls at her which I can't handle anymore and let out a laugh which Talia joins.

She takes the plate from the cabinet and serve herself with almost everything. " Thank you Alphas. I will be going to my room now". And off she runs.

Well we continued to eat until we were satisfied, we packed the left overs in the containers and put them in the fridge, we cleaned the utensils and kitchen and off we went back to bed. I hope we will sleep this time.



Thanks for reading.

Till next time.

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