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" Jace put down those shoes. Blake, Jake stop running inside the house. Blaine stop playing with your food and finish it". I yell at each and every single one of them which makes them to stop what they are doing.

" Okay you know what, it is past your bed time why don't we all go to bed", I tell them as I take Blaine out of his chair.

" Daddy is not here yet, I don't want to sleep before I see him", Blaine pouts .

Ooh great, where the hell is he?

" You know today daddy is going to be late cause he has something important that he has to do, but I promise you if he comes back I will wake you up". I tell him.

" Really?" Jake asks.

" Yes really", I smile at them.

" Okay", They say in unison and they all start to go to their rooms.

After tacking them in and kiss them goodnight they all go to sleep. So I walk to the living room dropping myself to the couch, I need to catch my breath.

After two years, everything seemed to get back to normal. So we decided to get married and start a family of our own. We did get surrogate mothers and they helped to carry our babies cause neither of us could get pregnant. Instead of getting two kids we were blessed with four whom they were born at the same day, two sets of twins.

Jace and Jake being mine while Blake and Blaine are Trevor's and together they are ours. Since they were born in different time Jake is the oldest then followed by Blake, then Jace then Blaine and they are now five years, believe me it isn't easy to have them all at the same time but I love them to the fullest.

I hear the front door opening, it is Trevor.

" I am glad your home", I tell him as he comes to sit next to me.

" I can see that", He says as he looks around and believe me it is not like the way he left it in the morning. Shoes every where, toys every where and don't make me start with the food.

I just turn his head so he could face me, " I love you, you know that?"

" I know and I love you too", He says as he leans to give me a kiss. " Now get up and help me clean this mess".

" Don't worry about this I have got it, but your kids wanted to see you before they went to bed". I tell him.

" Should I wake them up?" He asks.

" I promised you would",

And off he walks to the direction of their rooms. I stretch my legs looking at the mess. I will get up after five minutes. But the minute I closed my eyes just for a quick nap.

And am gone.



Today we decided to eat grilled chicken, sausages, beef and pizza for dinner. 

Darius and I are at the back yard of our house grilling while making small conversation about everything, while Chris is inside putting the pizza dough in an oven. In a moment he comes out joining our conversation.

" Papa Xavier is taking our toys again", Alexa and Aria says in unison telling me how their brother is being mean to them again.

" Xavier return your sister's toys",I tells him which he only runs off to the other side, making me to growl at him.

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