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Flash Back on The Day of The Coronation.

I am looking for Alex everywhere so he could give me the present that I told him to get for me but he is no where to be seen and I have no idea to where he is. Alot of people are around, some eating, drinking or dancing as some come and congrats me as I pass.

It is evening already and I haven't seen my mate for awhile I guess he is out there greeting people or doing whatever he is doing and I really need to find Alex. I didn't even know that I had to find a gift for him until he mentioned that he was late because of it, I wonder what it is. Has am still looking and searching I feel someone grab me by my hand and pulls me aside and I did not have to ask who it is as I could already feel the sparks.So he takes me to the office and closes the door after we get inside.

" I haven't seen you for a while and I really missed you", Trev says as he leans to kiss me hard but passionate too.

" I have missed you too", I say after we break from the kiss for air.

He takes one step back as he starts to look nervous, " Is everything okay?" I had to ask.

" Yes everything is okay, I just wanted to get you alone for a while cause there is something I wanted to tell you".

Him being nervous makes me nervous cause we share a bond, " Okay". Is all I could say.

He stands straight looking at me as his right hand goes to his right pocket and removes a small black box, it looks like a ring box. Which my eyes goes wide as I didn't see that coming. Is he proposing to me? No I wanted to be the one to propose and not him? If I would have known he was ready to get married then I would have done it sooner. Damn It.

" Hey relax big boy, your feelings are allover the place", He says as he opens the box. It is not a ring, Phew. Instead it is a neckless, a double in one gold shinning neckless. The longer one as a wolf and the shorter one is a sword.

" I know that you want to be the one to propose to me, so I won't, you can relax now", He says as he takes one step closer. " But I wanted to give you these as a promise. A promise and a reminder of how much I love you, cause you have given me a thousand reasons to why I should love you. I love you because you actually put effort into me. No body has ever given me the love that you have given me and you are the only one who can love me the way I am.

You have always make me feel that I am worth something. You have always made me smile and you have a huge and honest heart. I love everything about you even the small details like your black hairs and your amber eyes."

He takes the neckless from the box and puts it around my neck, " This is me making a promise to you, no matter how crazy, angry or sad I get just one look at this will remind you that I will always come back to you, no matter how far I will be I will make sure to come to you because you are my world and I love you".

I take his face into my hands as I look into his eyes, " I know you already know that I didn't get you anything". I say smiling.

" I know", He says returning the smile.

" But by this neckless I promise to wear it as sign of my love for you because you make me laugh, smile and even dare to dream more than I have ever have. I thank moon goddess every single day for the miracle of you. You are and always be the love of my life, my soulmate, my person.....My Human".

And for that, we didn't go back to the gathering as we started to do some other things, and in a matter of seconds clothes are very where in this office, not caring if anyone will walk in on us. I hope Trev did lock the door.

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