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It has been a month since everything went down and believe me nothing is the same. People are still mourning for their loved ones. Mark did wake up the same day and by the next day he was all fine, thankfully for his witch side that helped him to stay alive. Dylan woke up the next day and he is healing slowly and by the looks of the wound it is going to leave a scar who am I to judge about it.

Three days after the battle, we had a burial ceremony for all the warriors we had lost in the battle field including Myron. It wasn't the best day for everyone but even worst for Tyler.

He hasn't get out of Myron's room for the whole  four weeks not eating or moving just crying and everyone has given him space has much as he wants. I know what he is going through even if I had experienced it in a minute but it hurted and I guess it is even worse for him.

Red moon and Rising moon decided to go back to their packs so they could also bury their fallen warriors. But they did promise to come next time. Tyson didn't stick around after the battle was over he left just like the way he got in, unnoticed but I called him to thank him for his assist.

Purity pack is no longer there, as their leaders were all killed. So we took all the land and anyone who wished to join our pack was allowed and the ones who wished to join other packs were also allowed but we did make sure every single one of them had a pack to call home and this was the first thing we dealt with because we did want to create another group of rogue vampires, wolves, witches or dragons.

Plans of the land will be known later on, because now we have even more and more people of different species. For the min time pack house will do has still it has plenty of rooms.

Also we told the warriors about the plan of going to silver moon pack and became part of the pack and it was something that is not forced and anyone who wished to go should sign up. We did get more than twenty volunteers around forty but also we didn't lose much cause we still have lots of people who wants to become warriors.

Today is the day we are moving out of the pack house back to our house and it is just me and Dylan now cause most of them wants their own places so they looked for houses and every single one of them moved with their mates/mate.

" Here is the last box for today", Mark says dropping the box down, gratefully it is written books.

" You can't just drop things like that", I scowl at him which he only smiles at me.

" So are we done here?" Chris asks as he drops himself on a still plasticized couch. Everything is new, we had to buy everything.

" Help us unpack, you can't leave us like this". I tell them which they just groan.

Has they start to protest Dylan, Max, Matt and Darius walks in with bags full of groceries.

" Hey babe", I tell him as he gives me a quick kiss.

* What is going on?* He asks through our link.

" They don't want to help us unpack", I tell him. " I think they forgot that we helped them move out".

" Ooh.....I knew that would cost us", Liam complains. " That is a low blow Trevor".

Which I just smile at him.

" You guys cook and we will help with the unpacking", Matt suggests which they agree happily.

So Chris, Nick, Mark and Liam goes cooking. The rest of us we all go back to unpacking.

Unpacking wasn't hard as many of the boxes were already at the specific places. We did leave one room empty and it will be Tyler's room, when he is ready then he will come and decorate it however he likes.

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