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I know I'm a creep right now by staring at him like this but I can't help it. His eyes are back to be Amber again. Black hair. Broad shoulder and Muscled too. He is the same height or a little taller than me.

This guy is pretty. I know I said males are not pretty but this guy. He is trying really hard to question my sexuality right.

" Are you okay there mate?" He brings me back to reality.

" I.....I.....What?" I stutter. I hate myself right now.

" Are you okay?" He repeats.

" Me...No.....I mean Yes. Yes, I am okay. are you?" I stutter again. What the hell am I doing?

" I am not the one who fell on the ground". He says taking a step in front of me.

I step back, " I was not looking, sorry about that".

He kept on staring at me as if he is studying me or something. He called me mate. Am I his mate? I wish Max and Mark were here right now.

" So where were you off to in such a hurry?" He asks but this time looking straight into my eyes.

" Class". I swallow hard at nothing.

" Which one?" He leans closer right to my ear.

Why am I not running or pushing him away?

I swallow again, " Biology". It all came as a whisper.

" Me too. I could take you there if you want." He says staring between my eyes and lips.

I need to run right now.

" Trevor!" I hear Max's voice calling from behind me.

I turn around to look at him and he is with Mark. Approaching so fast. The moment I turn around to look at my stranger guy he is gone.

" Who was that?" Mark questions as he is next to me.

" I don't know his name yet but I bumped into him".

" We sensed you were in distress. We could hear your heartbeat from miles. What was he doing to you?" Max asks this time.

" Like I said I bumped into him". I reply a little harshly. " Don't you have a class or something?"

They look at me suspiciously. Like, I am hiding something. At which I am but I am not sure what happened myself.

" Yes, we do." Mark answers.

" We will meet you for lunch break". Max finishes and they walked away.

He is gone and I have no idea where the class is.

I start to walk to the direction of another hallway looking at the door numbers which will be the only thing that will take me to class. This school is a shitty maze. Taking another turn to the hallway I find the class but the teacher is already inside. ' late again'

I knock quietly and in seconds the door is opened. Another old guy without glasses this time.

" Your late." He states angrily. A grumpy one too. Perfect.

" I got lost". I say looking directly into his eyes. If he wants to hate me then this is his chance.

" Grab a seat". He says moving out of the way so I could get inside.

Walking in the aisles of desks I find one at the back next to the stranger guy. I decide to go and seat.

" I saved you a seat. I knew you will be late". He whispers into my ear.

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