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It's in the middle of the night trying to get some sleep but it's impossible so I keep on turning and twisting without any luck of sleep. My head is still stuck with the things that happened two days ago in the forest with Dylan.

I think I still can't believe that I made the first move. But none of that matters because it was all fireworks and electrical sparks Everywhere.
We never talked about what happened in the forest or the kiss we shared in front of Travis cause I think we are at a go time that we can do anything we want at this point.

" Aah", I groan to myself as I am tired of turning without asleep.

So I decided to go and get myself a glass of water.
As I head for the door I hear my phone ringing, looking at the caller ID a bright smile appeared on my face.

> Hey<, I said as I head for the kitchen.

> What's wrong with you?< Dylan asks tiredly.

>Nothing why?< I ask as I put the phone on speaker and settle it on the counter.

>I could feel your distress<, He yawns.

>Really.. That is so creepy <, I whispered.

>No it's not it's a mate thing <, he says with another yawn.

But before I could answer I hear a scream coming from Ty's room.
I freeze so if I could comprehend if he is dreaming or if it's real.

> What was that<, Dylan asks. He sounds alerted and awake.

> I don't know but it sounds like Ty is dreaming<, I say putting the glass on the counter and taking my phone instead.

Another scream.

> I think Ty is in trouble <, I say as I start running towards his room with my phone in my hand.

> Trevor what the hell is going on<, Dylan asks in panic voice.

But I couldn't answer him and instead, I just ended the call before I alert the intruder that am on my way to them.
Reaching Ty's room I find Max, Mark, and Travis already there with Ty in Travis's arms.

" What is going on", I ask as I don't see anyone but just an open window.

" There is someone in my room", Ty whispers shaking with fear.

" There is no one here Ty", Max says gently.

" He has read eyes", He shouts this time.

Before anyone could say anything we hear growls downstairs.

We all share a look before we decide to go and have a look to what is happening.

Heading down we find Sally, Kelly, Oxy, and Harvey growling all facing the front door.

" There is something out there ", Ty says again.

" Max and Mark go check outside ", Travis orders.

Without thinking they opened the door letting the wolves out and as they followed after.

" What if there is something out there? " I asked him closing the door behind them.

" Then they are capable of handling it", Travis says as he settles Ty down on a couch.

Pacing back and forth waiting patiently for them to come back. Has the minutes go by none of them is back, which make makes me so anxious.

As am making my tenth round from the kitchen to the living room. The front door is opened revealing Dylan and the rest of them. All of them Shirtless. Except for Jordan and Alex.

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