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The two weeks went by too quickly for my liking and today is the last day of the meeting and tomorrow is when everyone will start to depart. The meeting went great thankfully no bad moods or so to speak for myself. Anyways new treaties were formed and new rankings were announced. Who would have thought we ranked number two as the most strongest pack among all the packs in our continent which they are total of three hundred and Rising moon being the first which everyone expected by the way.

But one thing that bothers me is that Purity pack was nowhere seen at this meeting or even mentioned of and most of the people have never heard of them. It is like they don't exist, maybe that is why no one has an idea to whom is attacking their packs.

Being in Purity pack is like being inside a little dome, cause everything is available inside the pack's boarders so you don't get a reason to go outside the boarder and also no one is allowed to go out of the pack's boarder unless you have a permit to go out and only to for a special reason. The pack is in the middle of a dense forest and no one as ever heard of it, it's like its magically not there.

 "Magic", I whisper to myself.

" What?" Dylan asks confused.

" The purity pack, they do have warlocks and witches inside the pack or should I say they are part of the pack, I think they are cloaking the pack with magic that no one can be able to sense them or even see them", I say almost excited by the revelation.

" That is why no one knows about them", Hayden speaks.

" Exactly", I chirp in.

So we are currently at the meeting between the allied packs, so Its Black Shadow pack( Hayden and Samuel), Unity pack ( Rex and Peter), Blue River pack ( Asher and Charlie), Rising Moon pack ( Tarrick and Noah), Red Moon pack ( William, Bennett, Elijah and Natalie), Silver Moon pack ( Jaxtyn, Kyle, Mike and Robin) and Forest Hill pack ( Dylan, Nick, Mark and I)

Meet Jaxtyn, Jax for short and Michael, Mike for short from Silver Moon pack. Jax as Kyle's brother and Alpha while Mike as Robin's brother and Beta. They are both seventeen years and their parents were killed at the attack so they had to take over the pack at their young age. Although Red moon pack and forest hill pack decided to raise them until they are stronger, other allied packs also offered to pitch in whenever they can when they are needed.

So back to what we were doing, when they told us about the attacks we as in Forest Hill Pack had to tell them who they are attacking them and what they are after, well trust among allies. But from what we didn't expect is that none of them have ever heard of Purity Pack before. So I had to tell them how I encountered with the pack which they were all shocked as for starters I am a hunter but they overcome with it and second is that Mark is a hybrid which is also something that don't happen often. Which led us to our current conversation.

" So what was your plan on facing them?" William asks as he places a blushing Bennett on his lap.

" We have their sons in our pack who are to fight with us so- ", Dylan starts before he was interrupted.

" Willingly?" Tarrick asks confused so is everyone else.

" Well because they hate their parents and also they are mated to some of us". Nick replies this time. " So yes, Willingly".

" You have two mates?" Asher asks.

" Yep and my other mate is back at home", Nick says proudly.

" Lucky bastard", Peter snorts at him.

Which he only gets a wide smile from Nick.

" So like I was saying, we are still preparing ourselves as best as we can cause they haven't attacked us yet and so when they come they will find us prepared. Also that is why I came to add more allies so we can put an end to all of this once and for all by attacking them first". Dylan continues.

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