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A movement from the left distracted Era from her thoughts. A woman put a cup of coffee and a bag of a well-known doughnut atop the bench where she sat.

It was that woman.

Her eyes followed the woman as she left without a word and sat in the usual bench where Era saw her often. A cup of coffee and a bag of doughnuts also sat beside her.

The woman must have felt that someone was looking at her. Their eyes met.

They exchanged smile before sipping their coffee and put their attention back to the lake.

Caffeine eased the weight of sorrow in her heart. Today was the third year anniversary of Jackie's death.

Jackie was her faithful and loyal dog. They have been through together in the eleven short years of her great dog.

Her and Jackie met in a very bad situation. She was in 10th grade. Being bullied was quite normal for her since she was known as the clumsy nerd in the school. Moreover, she was skinny and kept to herself often.

She was going home that one time. The driver that fetch her from school was running late. She decided to start walking home.

It was also unfortunate that the bullies from school saw her. They dragged her to the alley where only a few people could notice them.

Three male teenagers against one lanky female nerd, winning was not on her side.

One guy pulled her book bag while the other pushed her toward the nearest wall. She started to shake as fear creeps up her spine. She wanted to scream but her voice left her.

These teenagers were her tormentors since 8th grade. They often get her lunch pack that she asked the maid at home to pack since she wanted to be left alone during breaks. If they do not get food from her bag, they demanded money.

"I noticed that you're becoming prettier, nerd."

She shook her head when she heard that. She also pushed the hand that tried to reach her shoulder.

"Don't fight, nerd. You're going to like it, I promise."

Her breath almost stoppped with the implication of his words. Their snicker added terror to the fear she felt.

"P-please d-don't." She begged. " I h-have mo-money. I'll give it you."

She shove the hands that touched her legs. With her action, the two other minions got hold of both her legs while the other one hold both her hands atop her head.

"G-get off!"

While she tried to get them off her, their laughter got louder.

The one holding her hands started to sniff her hair. She moved her face away.

She felt more helpless as dread consumed her being. She wanted to feel numb. She wanted to mute the sound around her. She wanted to faint at the moment so that she would not be able remember whatever is about to happen.

She closed her eyes as she took a rugged breath.

It was the growling that turned her to her senses. She openned her eyes but her sight was still blurry due to crying.

She was still leaning on the wall. Her hands and legs were no longer caged from the hands of her attacker.

As her sight and hearing cleared, a black dog with white spots in its fur was standing angrily in front of her. Its hunch was shaking as the growling gets louder.

The three teenagers were at least two meters away from her. Shock and anger were visible in their faces.

"Hey! What's going on there?"

When her tormentors heard that they ran away. She was left alone, shaking in the alley.

Her savior stopped barking and already sniffing her bag.

She sobbed in relief. 

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