Frustrated, eh?

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FROWNING, she looked back when she heard a crashing sound in the living room. She filled the glass with water before walking over to where the sound originates.

She was stunned when she witness the episode in the living room. Dumbfounded, the glass fell from her hand.

The sound it created, the two people stopped from eating each other's face. Both of them turned at her.

Upon seeing her, they immediately searched for the clothes they have thrown on the floor since they were already in their underwear.

"Who the hell is she?" Asked the woman while putting her dress back on.

"I didn't know she's back."


"I'm sorry, okay."

Sam grimaced when she heard a slapping sound. She saw Era holding her face.

"I don't want to see you again."

"I'm sorry. Look----"

She shut her eyes when she saw the unknown woman putting her hand up for a slap. She opened them again when she did not her a slapping sound.

"Fuck you, Era!"

Both of them stared at the slammed door. She remained standing and listened to the heavy sigh that Era emits.

Until that moment, Era was still in her bra. Her top was nowhere to be seen.

"I'm sorry."

Era did respond. She went to her bedroom without a word. Sam cleaned her mess with a heavy heart.

When she entered Era's room, the tall woman was in the shower. She sat in her side of the bed as she waits for the tall woman.

Era was still in a bad mood when she exited the bathroom. She looked down in shame.

When the other side of the bed dip, Era laid down with her back on her.

"I'm really sorry."

"I don't want to talk about it."

Sam bit her lower lip. It was the first time that Era responded in an icy demeanor.

She must admit that it hurts. She usually get a welcoming smile and tender words from her.

She sighed and got down from the bed. She paced towards the door silently.

She found herself in the kitchen with a glass of water in hand. She was supposed to be in the living room but the event from an hour ago was still fresh in her mind.

She gulped half of the water in the glass. She tried to swallow the lump in her throat. She put her left elbow atop the dining table and rest her head in the palm of her hand.

She blinked a few times and focused her eyes in the illumination emitted by the lamps in the corner.

Familiar warmth embraced her. She bit her lower lip to suppress the sob from coming out.

"I'm sorry, baby girl."

Era pressed her face in her shoulder. Both of them sigh. They stay like that for a few minutes.

"Let's go to bed."

She nodded. Hand in hand,they matched towards the bedroom. 

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