My ex & why

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A drink in hand, Era watched the lights of the metro from the floor to ceiling glass wall of the penthouse where she stays.

It was beautiful despite the light traffic in some part of the business district.

Taps on her door distract her attention from the city lights. It was before eleven in the evening on a Friday night and she was not expecting anyone.

She did not bother to check but rather open the door in haste.

Looking at the person outside her door, it was a mistake not checking.

"Hi, honey."

Instead of answering back. She opted to look at the attractive woman in front of her as she remained standing in the slightly open door.

The woman's flirtatious smile sent her way used to entrance Era to do anything. Those big blue eyes made this woman have anything she wanted.

Era took a deep breath. Aside from the beautiful physique of this woman, nothing attracts her anymore. 

"Why don't we talk inside?"

Her slim finger traced Era's cheek. However, she remained standing beside the door. She refused to utter a word.


She touched the woman's wrist. She received a saccarine smile that used to melt her anger the previous months.

"You know your way out, Monique." She said as she released the wrist she was holding.


She closed the door in her face.

A few seconds later, persistent knocks followed. She did not bother opening the door. She decided to have her drink in her bedroom instead.

It was not the first time that Monique visited her in the penthouse. That being said, she changed the password in her door.

It has been six months since she ended their almost 2-year relationship.

She met Monique in a social gathering. It was the inauguration of one of the buildings her company designed and built.

They were introduced by a colleague. Apparently, Era fell for her charms and flattery words. One thing led to another, they were exclusive.

Despite the woman's materialistic nature, Monique was very sweet and thoughtful.  Era was under her spell.

She was thinking of proposing since they seemed to compliment each other. Aside from countless shopping spree to pay for her being workaholic,  Monique was an understanding girlfriend. Era even thought of designing the ring to make it more personal.

Her being busy, Monique visited her in the office or at the penthouse so that they could see each other.

As her girlfriend, Monique earned her right to stay in her office even if she was in the meeting. It was sweet of her. Era thought so, too.

She was in hot waters when her designs and other proposals got in the hands of her rival company. There was chaos in her company. The construction and management team was in so much trouble that Era got the whole thing investigated.

Through CCTV reviews and Ally's statement she found the culprit.

Monique used the oppurtunity of opening her files as she stayed in the office waiting for Era to finish the meetings. Suffice  it to say, she lost millions and a girlfriend.

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