Beyond Enemy Line

306 19 2

Twenty Seven


THE incessant knocks on the door woke her up from slumber. It is already past midnight according to the bedside watch.

Baffled, she walked towards the door. Even if she wanted to ignore whoever it is on the other side of the door, her neighbors will not.

She opened the door in haste only to be taken aback with her unexpected visitor.

After a month long of ghosting, Era is at her door. In the middle of the night.

The drowsiness that she felt a while ago left.

They stood beside her door looking at each other.

With the fast beating of her heart, she cannot hide the fact that she missed her. The weeks without Era was a little bleak especially during the night since they often ate dinner together as they talked about their day.

Before Samantha could put her thoughts in order she felt the familiar warm embrace followed by the joining of their lips.

Wordlessly, the door closed as they continue their kiss inside the privacy of the apartment. Without breaking the kiss, they walked towards the bedroom.

When Samantha felt the softness of the mattress, Era hovered on top of her. They eyes met for a second or two before they kissed again.

She refrained herself from moaning when Era caressed her side. The heat of her palm spread from the exposed skin on top of her pajama shorts towards the tips of her breasts.

She found herself looking at the smoldering gray eyes of her absentee girlfriend.

A soft moan slipped when Era bit her lower lip. Before she could complain the tall woman kissed her full on the mouth.

Their lips separated when Era removed her top. The lips that supposed to return to her awaiting mouth descend to her neck. Instead of the gentle kisses that she used to, she was gifted with wet, open-mouth kisses from below the ear to the shoulder.

Shiver ran down her spine. She got more heated when Era captured one nipple in her lips. Her nails grazed her girlfriend's back with the overwhelming feeling of her warm mouth. She scratched her none-too-gently when her other nipple was given the same attention.

She whimpered when Era's mouth travel towards her navel. Samantha bit her lower lip when her pajama shorts was taken away.

She wanted to cover herself from the intense gaze of the woman on top of her. She knew that she is totally exposed in her sight but seeing that they have the same lustful look, it bothers her no more.

Her eyes rolled up when Era's talented tongue reached its destination.

Her thigh cradle her head as Era feasted on the most sensitive nerve ending. Samantha squeezed her eyes closed as she climb high.

She groaned louder when a digit enter her drenched core. It creates a delicious sensation inside her. She almost scream her name when another digit joined as they find rhythm.

Era kissed her again as she get came down from the lust-filled high. 

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