How many women?

397 23 3


DUE to persistent raps on the door, Era stood up and abandon the proposal she has been reading.

It is eight in the evening on a Saturday night. Rather than having a date night she opted on spending hours on work.

Frowning, she open the door and glare at the attractive woman outside her door. Instead of being bothered, Sam kissed her chin since it is the only part of her face she can reach without Era leaning down, before going inside.

"You didn't even bring food."

"I'll cook."

"A woman after my own heart." She said dreamily as she follow the petite woman inside.

Sam put her bag on the couch before removing her shoes. The cardigan follow. Era bit her lower lip when Sam put her hands in the hem of her tank top.

She frowned in anticipation. Sam smirked at her when their eyes met. She put her shirt up a little. Era had the glimpse of her flat tummy.

The little showdown was cut short when she heard Sam's laughter. "You wish, James."

Era scratch her brows with a heavy sigh. Show is over, Era.

"Call me when you're done. I'll bury myself at work." Disappointment laced in her voice.

She never look back even when she heard her giggle at her expense. She returned to her office and continue doing the work she brought home for the weekend.

Because of the insistent demand of her hungry stomach, Era is back in the kitchen after an hour. She beamed when she saw Sam setting the table.

The delicious aroma of the home cooked steak assaulted her nose. Her stomach growled louder.

"Get the door, James." Sam ordered when they heard knocks.

"Are you expecting someone, baby girl?"

"No. This is your house. 'Could be your booty call." Samantha answered with brows raised.

She grinned. "Possibly. I deserve a little fun especially on a Saturday night." She teased and winked at her before marching toward the front door.

The smile in her face turned sour when she saw her other guest for the night.

"Hi, honey."

A kiss on the cheek later, the woman is inside her nest.

With exaggerated sway of the hips, Monique saunter in her living room like she got an invitation to step inside her place.

"I got your favorite wine. Let me get the glasses."

"You should leave, Monique."

"Honey, let's start over again."

The blue-eyed woman turned to her again. She batted those heavy lashes of hers.

Monique put the expensive wine on top of the coffee table before walking back to her. Era remain rooted to her place even when her ex-girlfriend put her slim arms on her shoulders.

"I miss you, Era."

"Try again, Monique."

Her former lover pout her thin lips coated with her favorite red lipstick. Her left brow shoot up when Monique started to trace her face with the tip of her index finger. Their lips almost touch when they heard a fake cough.

Both of them, look at the source of the sound.

Sam is putting the food on the table. The steak is plated like the one served in the fine dining restaurant.

"Who the hell are you?" Monique screeched when she saw Samantha in her kitchen.

"I should ask you the same." Sam retorted. She even cross her arms together in front of her as she glower.

"I'm her girlfriend."

Sam act like she is remembering before looking at her ex from head to toe.

"Nah." She said after a while. "I've been sleeping in her bed for two months. That won't happen if you're still together."

Era smiled at Sam's witty response. Monique sent her an angry look.

"Baby, remove that thrash from this place. Thank you."

She forced herself not to laugh as Sam uttered those words. The petite woman continue to move around the kitchen as she finish the table set-up.

"You heard the boss." She said to her ex-girlfriend. She cannot remove the grin from her face while Monique is already red in the face due to anger and embarrassment.

Monique sent them an annoyed look before walking towards the door in stomping feet.

"You left your wine, girlfriend." Sam reminded when Monique reach the door.

Era laugh out loud when Monique slam the door not bothering to pick up the wine. However, her laughter die down when she meet the scrutinizing stare of Samantha. She swallowed the invisible lump in her throat.

"Do you bring all your women in this place?"

"Sammy girl----"

"I'm sleeping in the next room."


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