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Thirty four

SHE was not surprised when she found him waiting as she exits the restroom.

Era met his gaze. She calmly face him as he contemplate on the words to say.

"Why are you here?" He started.

"I'm invited."

He leaned at the wall along the hallway. Both his hands were in his pocket. She did the same as she faced him.

He exhaled deeply. He is looking down the floor.

"An apology is quite late for the mistake I made. What we did to you was an eye-opener for me back then." He disclosed.

She glance at him. His eyes were still on the floor. His demeanor is longer defensive.

"When I saw you at the party, you are the nightmare I wanted to forget. You're the past I yearn to erase." He sighed. "I was terrified. I knew that I would be doomed if you talk."

Their eyes met when he lifted his face. He smile sadly.

"I'm really sorry, Era. No excuses this time."

Without another word, he walk away.

"Kevin." He halted. "Forgiving you is not my priority."

"I know. I haven't forgive myself, too."

"But I love your sister."

He turned to her. "Thank you. Both of you deserved to be happy."

She nodded at him.

He was about to leave when he asked. "Was it you who put them to jail?"

She shook her head. "They reap what they sow."

Era was left alone in the hallway after that.

She knew that they would come across each other if she attended this family event. However, she did not expect that their meeting would end this way. She imagine a messy and wordy encounter. She even expect an enraged, defensive Kevin.

"Everything alright, baby?" Samantha asked her.

They left the Potts residence. They will be staying in the hotel for the night. By tomorrow morning, Dan will be driving them back home.

"I'm good. In fact, I never felt in this good in a while."

She beamed at her girlfriend before kissing her temple.

It was true that she felt lighter after she and Kevin talked. She have not forgiven him.

"I learned from Liam that Kevin withdraw his candidacy. He endorsed another guy instead."


"Yes. I'm glad he did or I'm going to ruin him."

"My hero." She chuckled and gather the petite woman closer.

Samantha faced her and cupped her cheeks.

"He maybe my brother but I can't overlook what he did."

"I know."

Her girlfriend gave her a peck on the lips before leaning on her again.

"He talked to me."

She felt Samantha tensed. Era captured the woman's hand and kissed the back of her palm.

"He asked for forgiveness. No drama."

She relaxed again in her arms. The taller woman put her arm around her girlfriend and pull her closer as they travel towards the hotel.

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