Morning After

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Twenty Eight


IT was the ray of sunlight that passed through the curtain that roused her from a deep sleep. It was nine in the morning.

Without looking, she reached on the other side of the bed.

It is empty. The space beside hers is already cold.

She sighed in disappointment before embracing the pillow next to hers.

It smelled like her.

This is the second time that she woke up in bed alone. There was no obvious traces that she had a visitor.

The first time this happened, Samantha thought that she just dream of her due to a prolonged time of not seeing each other. Still in denial even when she found herself naked. Reality slapped her in the face when she had a glimpse of herself in the mirror.

The evidence of the heated night with Era was tattooed in her neck and the space above the bosom. The two areas were scattered with kiss marks. Upon closer inspection, she also have a bite mark in the left breast.

Last night was the sixth night after their wordless encounter. After midnight last night, they made love for the second time.

Sadly, there was no conversation between them just like the first time. After the wonderful moment they shared, the warm embrace and sweet kisses, she woke up alone like nothing beautiful happened in the middle of the night.

She was almost ready to let go of Era after the month long of hide and seek. However, the midnight rendezvous offer her a glimpse of hope but her heart has been shattered when the morning comes.

The morning after that first midnight visit, she sent a message. She got no reply but her heart is looking forward that everything will return to how they used to be.

After six days of disappointment last night happened.

She stretched her arms before getting up from the bed. She did not bother to check her mobile phone. Her heart is not ready for another disappointment.

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