Down to memory lane

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Twenty Three

FIVE long years. That was the last time that Era set foot in this place.

Her parents knew that this town holds the childhood memories that made and break her. The incident that happened in her tenth grade nailed the decision to let her finish the school year home schooled.

Era transferred to another school in senior high to avoid the people behind the incident. Her parents wanted to take legal action but she refused. She was sent to the farthest IVY league school for her undergraduate studies so that she would not be associated to the people in this town.

Her family left this town but unable to put the old house on sale. Her mother reasoned that the house is an investment. However, Era almost sell the house when her parents died five years ago in a vehicular accident. Yet, she changed her mind when she visited. She was reminded of the happy memories she and her parents had.

For years, a married couple maintain the place. They both worked for her parents from way back.

"Good afternoon, Miss James."

It was Rodney who greeted her when Dan opened the door of the car as they arrived in her old house.

Rodney was her father's driver back when her old man was still alive. At the moment, he and his wife keep the house in good condition.

She nodded at him. "Where's Gina?"

He smiled at her when she mentioned his wife. "She's quite busy preparing for your dinner, Miss."

She smiled back as she enter the huge house that she used to call home.

Dan and Rodney followed her. Her driver is pushing her luggage while the other is giving him direction.

Era find herself walking towards the spacious kitchen. The smell of cooking assaulted her senses.

"Can I have the cookies you used to make?" She inquired from the short woman manning the oven.

Wide eyes, the woman in her fifties turned to her. A wide smile marked both their lips.

"Era! I miss you!"

She hug the old woman. Gina reminds her of happy childhood and delicious, home-made food. When she was younger, her parents were both busy with their growing business but Gina filled the shortcomings of Mr. and Mrs. James.

Gina was her nanny. She and Rodney met in James household. They fell in love, got married and was blessed with a son. His name is Noah who is now twenty five years old.

"I miss you, too, Mama Gina." She expressed fondly using the endearment she called her when she was in grades school.

The name started when she and Noah were growing up. Era called her nanny 'mama Gina' to irritate the boy until Noah got used to it. The name calling stayed.

"I'm happy you're back. How's your trip?"

"Uneventful." She sent the woman a smile. "Can I have the cookies now?" She asked playfully.

Gina motioned her hand towards the kitchen island.

Era's face light up when she saw the glass canister full of cookie goodness. She marched toward it and open the jar.

She bit one cookies. She moaned in delight. It tasted like the cookies in her childhood days.

"Mom, what time is Era coming?"

Era watched the man who is looking for her. The cookie in her hand is slowly disappearing.

Noah is in the same height as her. Just two inches short for six feet. He got the height from his father but his skin color was from her tanned mother.

"She is here." Gina answered as Era pick up another cookie.

Like a deer caught in the headlights, he look at her. She waved her hand with the food in hand.

"Welcome back, Miss James."

"Thank you, Noah. Cookies?"

He grinned at her before he put his hand in the cookie jar. They eat with satisfied look on their faces.

Noah is working with her as an IT expert. He also leads the team alpha. Like his parents, he is hardworking and loyal to the James family.

"Do any of you bring a girlfriend?" Gina question as she check the meat in the oven.

She and Noah looked at each other. None of them answer the woman.

Gina knew that Era liked girls. It was an open knowledge in James household. She came out to her parents when she was in college, when she finally admitted her attraction towards the same sex. None of her parents were surprise though.

Her old man was happy. He said that having a daughter is a blessing but knowing that his surname will continue, he was beyond ecstatic. She was lucky that she has the best parents.

"Mom, you knew that we have demanding jobs." Noah reasoned when his mother gave him a stink eyes.

"Kids your age do dates."

"Era is dating." Noah said before leaving. His hands were full of cookies.

"Really?" Gina beamed at her. The old woman leaned at the counter to focus her eyes on her.

She nodded proudly. "It's only been a few months."

"Does she loves you?"

Mama Gina frown when she shrugged. The old woman sighed before whispering, "Kids these days."

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