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He stirred when he heard the sound of a door shutting behind him, startled, he awoke in a daze, drool trailing down his chin and pooling in the crevices of the keyboard he oh-so-gracefully slept on.

"Ew, Wonwoo that gross." Minghao, the perpetrator of his awakening himself, had sat down in the rolling chair next to him- mindlessly revolving in the creaky leather.

"That's hyung to you," Wonwoo said groggily, wiping the fluid from his chin with the hem of his sweater sleeve, "What time is it,"

"Early, way too early."

They were in the workroom and Wonwoo had been working tirelessly, sleepless nights back to back, gathering information on The Circle by hacking into their local interfaces.

Ursula Minor, founded by Yoon Jeonghan, their unanimously decided leader, was a non-profit organization aimed to fight crime against the rouge Starborn and other gangs locally. They basically did what the ignorant police didn't, which undeniably got on the local government's nerves-

But hey, why complain when you're not doing anything about it?

Conversely, it gave the members of Ursula Minor purpose, before this, some losing their families due to memory-loss, death from the 10% rate, or suffering due to other induced causes- they indefinitely felt lost. Especially the 3 out of the 6 of them that weren't Starborn, they had lost a hefty amount of their memories.

Wonwoo, the brains of the operation, often stayed in the operations room with their abundance of technology- all salvaged from Pre-nova (before Supernova) computers and computer boards. Wonwoo had lost almost all his memory from the Nova, remembering bit-by-bit in the form of dreams- which he could barely remember on their own, so he ultimately gave up on remembering what life was like Pre-nova.

He learned coding and scripting, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python, PHP any type of coding form that was imperative for him to know in a matter of 3 months- he also discovered he had quite a high IQ at the time. Using his attained knowledge in software development and technology, he salvaged every computer he could find with the help of his members. He built the formerly deserted storage room into a high-tech computer lab.

He currently sat in a leather desk chair that could roll around on the black polished tile (thanks to Soonyoung, who had taken the initiative to install all of Minghao's room styling preferences). It was initially a storage closet, but it was far from small.

Along one of the walls with a longer face, there was a smooth white wall-bound desktop, covered with a variety of mutated Dell and Mac book computers, with monitors on the wall behind. Along that desk was enough leather desk chairs to accommodate the 6 of them. Behind Wonwoo and his array of computers, was a medium-sized dark-green leather couch with a small wooden table sitting in front of it, and on that table were piles of files askew in no proper order.

Next to the couch on the left was the exit door, to the right of that is what served as a conference table. The table had a smooth white plastic face, covered in papers and files from one of the two printers that sat in the far right corner of the room. At times of conference, the 6 would roll their chairs over to converse around the oval-shaped table.

On one of the short-length walls farther to the left of Wonwoo was his own rendition of a supercomputer, with wires dancing around its 6-foot tall body. It took 2 years of his blood, sweat, and tears for Wonwoo to finish the super-computer, but the members mainly addressed it as the WiFi-router to the aforementioned' distaste.

Little did they know, pulling the plug would do more than just disconnect their WiFi-

He kind of illegally attached the supercomputer to the whole apartment complexes' power, so that would render all of the upper levels and their basement quarters- powerless.

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