스물 여덟

112 4 0

"Team Ninja is in descent to the dorms and are taking out the first wave of guards, Iron man and Captian America move in now, good job on the generator,"

"Affirmative, over,"

"Jaemin, you don't have to talk like that,"

"Josh-hyung, don't mess up the athetich,"

"You mean aesthetic?"

"Same thing,"

Joshua jokingly rolled his eyes at the younger and his antics, brushing his mane over his brow with a gloved finger. He would be sweating profusely if it wasn't due to the seasonal chill that was enhanced by the basement submerged underground.

The space was quite vast, the ashen gray-scape littered in cartons upon cartons, that contained god knows what. The minimal sound produced in their pursuit echoed throughout the marginally hollowed space, night vision goggles on.

They had successfully powered off the entire building by cutting the wires of the generator as opposed to hacking into the system as they typically would, to accentuate the trace of their presence as according to their plan.

They made their ascent up the concrete stairs after they picked the lock on the door. As opposed to team ninja, they weren't armed with much offensive gear, only with handguns and ammo, complete with bulletproof vests and the standard equipment.

And of course, they couldn't forget Joshua's Stargift... and Jaemin's.

Team ninja worked vigorously to take out the guards in their path and create diversions so the two could make their way to the center wing and the target.

Joshua didn't want to feel reassured yet but he was surprised he hadn't run into any guards-


aw shit.


The aforementioned shrugged, Minghao could nearly see the shit-eating grin that painted his features behind his mask.

The risk of 17th members or guards picking up their names was too high, so they all addressed each other by their nicknames:

Soonyoung with 'Hoshi,' a name he had formulated over the years with the reason remaining undisclosed; Minghao as 'The8,' derived from his lucky number; Jeno 'NoNo' and Jaemin 'NaNa', both derived from their names;

Unfortunately, the name 'Elsa' stuck too well with Renjun too his distaste, he was now referred to as such.

Then there were the given ones such as:

Chenle and Jisung with 'Bighead 1' and 'Bighead 2'; Seungkwan as 'Boo'; Wonwoo as 'WonWon'; Jeonghan with 'Hannie'; Haechan simply went by 'Haechan' since that wasn't even his name, according to him, no one pressed further;

And finally, Jisoo went by 'Josh' after getting into a heated argument with Seungkwan over Joshua wanting to name himself 'Super Swag Master 22.'

Currently, Minghao was preoccupied with shooting down the incoming fleet of soldiers, Jeno making his way around the mayhem and planting the "Music Box Bombs" on the walls and crevices of the room as instructed.

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