For the next few days, Renjun endured all genres of pain- ranging from short pulses, to unbearable, nauseating pain.
But Renjun doubted any of his episodes could amount to the pain he had that night.
The only member who knew about this was Jeno, he was grateful to him to not telling anyone- but he would catch him staring anxiously at him during times he had to exert larger amounts of energy, sometimes offering to do things in his place.
That is what he hated.
He thinks you're weak.
"Hey! I can do things myself, go do something else and leave me alone-" He would snap, pushing him away and proceeding to do things himself with great struggle.
He didn't mean to hurt Jeno, but that was the only he would leave him alone.
You deserve to be left alone.
Recently, Renjun had been experiencing a very clear-specific voice in his head. Raspy, low, biting cold- resembling the feeling he would get when he was in pain.
It said it would give him power.
Make him stronger.
"RENJUN! PICK UP THE PACE, KID!" Seungkwan shouted out his megaphone. Sadly, it was Wednesday- meaning conditioning days.
Initially, Renjun had loathed these days more than anyone due to his horrible physical stamina, but the aching pain made everything that much worse.
He currently ran around a white track spray painted white on gravel- lining a wide field of wilting grass, serving as a racetrack that the boys would run laps on. He was slightly behind the rest of his peers, on the 6th lap out of the 10 they had to do daily.
His chest tightened as he felt pain shoot through his legs, he stumbled, but endeavored- trying to ignore the icy feeling beneath his skin.
He felt the temperature around him drop from its already low temperature.
Yet he continued on.
He felt a cough build up in his throat- coughing into bright-green hand-down sweater, he saw a dark stain of what resembled blood.
Yet he continued on.
He continued to fall behind the rest of his group, the pain getting worse, his limbs stiffening with each passing second-
Then he fell.
Black dots swarmed around the corner of his vision, he couldn't stop coughing- he saw splatters of blood on the gravel below him, his dry heaving burned his throat and made it hard to breathe. Gravel impaling his kneecaps and his palms as he hunched over.
FanfictionWhat happens when a bunch of boys are brought together by the world falling apart?