스물 일곱

122 6 2

^^Just a nice song recommendation for this chapter :D


The tension in the air was inherently omnipresent among the three members.

Minghao could feel the slightest breath fan against his neck, slipping between the interwoven mechanisms that were integrated into their masks that clung on to their face-

as they faced the building they would be climbing.

Frankly, Jeno looked as if he was nearly going to shit his pants and probably felt the part as well.

Minghao did have to give it to him though, when Jeno found out he would be scaling a 10-meter building with nothing but specially-enhanced adhesive gloves/boots and mental willpower, he was taken aback, to say the least. Nonetheless, he still prevailed and tried desperately to bury his discomfort, despite the unease that was still painted on his face. It was admirable, cute, even.

Behind him, Jeno shifted on his feet as his colleagues geared up. His stomach suddenly adopted the traits of an Olympic gymnast, flipping and filling to the brim with anxiety. The textured gloves encompassed his sweaty palms. Jitters ran along his lean figure, the hairs on his arms concealed by the cotton of his thin black turtle neck.

He couldn't tell if it was the vest that was strapped onto him, but his chest felt abnormally heavy, apprehension casting over his head.

He also could distinguish if it was the wall or the operation in its entirety that was responsible for making him so anxious.

But he knew that this was the point of no return. Upon discovering this operation's utmost importance to the Ursula Minor Seniors, he gained a newfound passion for the mission as well, inclined to do the very best he could.

"Okay kiddo, its go time," Soonyoung reassuringly pat the younger's back, cocking his head toward the brick wall that stood before them,

Jeno gulped thickly, the only thing that was visible from behind his face mask was his eyes, in which the dark orbs danced around the area, not morphed into their usual smiling crescents for once.

Frantically nodding, as if he was trying to convince himself as well, Jeno surged forward, passed the two elders, and to the wall.

He heard a brief static chime from his earpiece, "That's the spirit kid,"

Jeno mustered a grin, "Thanks Wonwoo-hyung,"

He received a small hum, the static chiming again, and briefly pausing the line of communication.

Yes, that was it. 24 hours later, finally, they began the mission with everyone in their respective position, waiting or performing their opening tasks.

The night's chilling gale tickled the apples of Minghao cheeks, inclining him to pull the mask that formerly hung on his chin over the remainder of his face. This portion of the base was surrounded by a forest, the dark of night encircled the boys.

As instructed prior to the mission, he clicked a blue button on the hem of his gloves and the foot-bed of his combat boots, feeling the mechanism shift in his hands and heels.

Soonyoung whistled, "Wonwoo really is no joke, huh," he mused after powering on the adhesive devices on his gear.

Mentally agreeing, Minghao cautiously pressed the pads of his fingers to the scratchy brick wall. Once all five fingertips were in a spread stance on the wall, he pulled with all his might, he couldn't detach himself. Thank god.

As instructed, he flexed his fingertips and applied pressure to the surface. He watched as his fingers slowly detached themselves from the surface with that action.

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