서른 둘

107 3 1

"J- Hannie?"

"Questions later, kid,"

"Why does everyone keep calling me that for fucks sake,"

The targert hissed as the thorns continued to pierce his skin, "Maybe because your practically looking up from ants eye view, shorty,"

Jeonghan practically levitated atop the mossy pavement before him, "You got real balls talking smack in that position, friend,"

"I know you wont kill me, what was it...Hannie?" The target sneered,

Jeonghan leaned in to the targets ear, "No promises, dear," Jeonghan grumbled, words soaked in sweet bane. To this, Jeonghan sensed the target slightly stiffen in the grasp of his vines.

Renjun's eyes widened, his eyes dancing frantically across the scenery behind the elder,

"BEHIND YOU!" Renjun cried out,

Without batting and eye, 3 vines shot out from the pathway, wrapping around the fleet of guards and juicing them to a pulp, splattering foul-smelling blood and organs across the pristine ice, tainting the iridescence with the colors of death.

Renjun winced, gulping back the bile he almost spilled in a manner resembling the projectile of the the guts and blood. For the sake of his sanity, Renjun covered the bodies and bodily substances in a pile of snow.

Renjun then barricaded the entrance in which guards had been filing in from, diverting his focus back to the target and Jeonghan:

"So tell me, any of your buddies in this wing too?" the aforementioned prodded monotonously,

The target cocked his head to the side, mock reminiscing, "Nah, sadly. No one wants to room with me this time, sucks right?"

"I don't believe you." Jeonghan deadpanned,

"Then don't, not my problem," The target chuckled, sharply breathing when he instantaneously felt the vines sink their fangs deeper into his skin,

In the blink of an eye, the target was slammed against the wall, causing stalactites of ice to shoot down from the overlook of the upper-level balcony,

The target grunted, the vines feeding themselves into the ice behind them, pinning the man against the icy body. Steam rose from the action as the plants had encompassed themselves in a self-produced heat, accompanied by the soft hiss of melting ice.

Jeonghan stalked around the target, his leering gaze piercing the figure, "I'm not dumb,"

"Obviously not."

"Then tell me,"

The target had seemed to loose his precursory demeanor, "If you aren't as dim as you claim, then you would already know the answer to that,"

Jeonghan nodded, slowly pacing around. Every new patch of ice his feet touched blossomed another branch of grassy pathway, the occasional flower blooming. The artificial mellow atmosphere was manufactured enough to be suffocating; the amiable greenery adding its own pinch of deception.

"Get to work," Jeonghan simply said, eyes glued to the grass beneath, as if he was talking to the blades wedged between his toes,

Notwithstanding, Renjun nodded, internalizing the order and gliding around on his ice to place the music boxes along the bare walls that were left in the area.

Another vine snaked along the right side of the target, a leaf tickling his neck to signify the incoming action,

Jeonghan raised his head, "Lets talk, then,"

"'Bout what? Lunch?" The target scoffed, speaking through gritted teeth,

The vine slithered under the target's mask, cutting his cheek with a thorn before the mask was ripped off of his face. The clattering sound being swallowed by the hallow silence.

Jeonghan heard the target curse behind him, he stopped in his tracks before he could turn around to face the target,

"Lets start with your friend on the balcony above us to our left that is about to disrupt our little chat,"

Jeonghan turned to face the target, the first thing that took him by surprise was that he was freakishly handsome, sharp features and hawk like eyes that definitely were one of a foreigner. This thin, pale lips tugged into a frown, jaw evidently clenched.

"You can come out now!" Jeonghan called out, never taking his eyes off the target,


"-and you should've SEEN IT! They were so scared as if they weren't ACTING BALLSY AS HELL FIVE SECONDS AGO-"

"Joshua, you know I have a job, right?"

"Oh, my dear Wonwon Wonton,"

"-don't call me that."

"-your able to talk to me right now, surely. I know that everyone is in the fighting stage, don't ACT like you have something to do-"

"You fucker- I'll have you know that I am VERY BUSY as I was this whole time-"

The soft chorus of footsteps accompanied the "subtle" banter as Joshua and Jaemin made their discourse to the center wing. The scenery was becoming quite repetitive- all Joshua could see in the subfusc tract before him was the same nude corridor that seemed to grow a mile with each step he took.

Joshua absentmindedly kicked around a stray debris derived from the sea that cultivated within the crevices of the walls, "Yeah yeah, I only have half a kilometer until we reach the target, so it won't hurt you to listen to how badass I looked taking out those guards,"

The skitter of the sediment flawlessly merged with the harmony of delicate white noise and the hum of small talk. Frankly, the softened sonance could be mistaken for the ambience of a stroll downtown late at night, if not paired with the fact that the individuals being referenced are strapped head to toe with state-of-the-art battle gear.

"...they were about to shit their pants- AND WHEN NANA SHOT DOWN THE GUNS THEY WERE LIKE.. 'OH MY GOD, NOOO!!!' NOT MY GUNS THAT I DON'T REALLY KNOW IF I OWN!!'... Nana, tell Wonton here how-"

Joshua's voice trailed of mid sentence.

Over the line, Wonwoo groaned, "...what now-"

his gut dropped.

Joshua suddenly felt an overwhelming, stomach-churning trepidation that froze him in his tracks. Solemnity swallowed him hole as if he was...alone-

No. something was watching him, and candidly, it was not his counterpart.


The ambience had morphed into a sickening dissonance, a cacophony when paired with the unease-

He slowly turned his head,

Jaemin stood stock still, staring out into the abyss of corridor, not a breath escaping his lungs.

Craning his head forwwrd, he couldn't make any figures domain behind him...

but Jaemin's shadow trailing as far as his eye could reach before them.

Joshua felt the breath fail to escape his lungs, the moisture being stripped from his mouth,


A deafening, omnipresent, chuckle, pierced his ears and resonated through his frame,

"oh me?-"

"-I'm your worst nightmare."


yay consistent updates :D

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