The Stars

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I take a deep breath and look at Rick, no where near ready to do this. He looks me in the eyes, leans down and places a hand on my cheek, staring deep into my eyes.
"We've got this." He whispers and I stand there, not knowing what to do. Eventually he pulls away and I give him a nod, implying I'm reluctantly ready to go. We walk out the door to the allyway, trying to maneuver like a biter would. The two in the ally don't come after us, signifying that this might actually work. We crawl under a truck and look at the walkers feet shuffling by. Rick goes out first, then Glenn, and lastly me. I try to hold back gags and tears as we walk in the crowd of biters but my concentration is interrupted by the sound of thunder. I look at Rick and he discreetly motions for me to breath. I nod, but suddenly feel wet droplets hit me and increasingly getting faster by the second. Oh god. we're not going to make it. All the walkers start to turn towards us, as if they suspect something.

"The smell's washing off, isn't it?" Glenn questions.

"No no, we're fine." I respond but Rick cuts me off.

"Well maybe." Just as he says that, a walker tries to take a bite out of him. He puts an axe through its head and yells at us to run. We do as we're told but I can't help but stop to make sure Rick's okay. He catches up to me and we get to a fence, climbing over as fast as possible, and discarding our gut covered cloths. Me and Rick shoot at some of the walkers trying to climb over while Glenn runs to get the keys.

"RICK" he yells and throws the keys. I follow behind him and the three of us climb into a moving truck, driving off as fast as possible.

"Wait what are you doing, we can't just leave them there!" I yell

"I know! We need a distraction." He says and smirks towards Glenn.


We open up the back of the truck and let everyone climb in. Rick gets in the drivers seat and I ride passenger while Morales closes the back. No one says anything for a while. Just heavy breathing is heard. That's how it was the whole way home. Silence, Rick driving, his hand on my leg as some sort of assurance that we're okay, and heavy breathing. When we arrive the people in the back jump out to see their family's. Me and Rick stay, not fully sure on what to do. That's until we were called out.

"Hey Batman and Robin! Come say hello!" We did as we were told and walked out of the car, Rick with his hand on the small of my back. That's until he dropped it and I look at him to see shock written all over his face. The little boy and, what I assumed to be his mother, straight ahead of us look towards us and they are wearing the same look of shock.

"Oh my God" Rick whispers beside me and walks forward, passing me.

"Dad! Dad!" The boy starts screaming and running into Ricks arms. I just watch with wide eyes as the family reunites. That was the mission right? To find his family? I should be happy? Then why do I feel so upset.


I lay in a tent by myself, not able to sleep. I eventually result to going outside and sitting on a nice patch of grass, watching the stars.

"Can't sleep either?" Someone says behind me and I turn to see an attractive man approaching me.

"Uh, no I can't." I chuckle and he sits down beside me, also looking up at the night sky.

"Quite a view eh?" He says and I smile, letting out a hum of comfort.

"Yea, it's amazing. We never had stars like this where I come from." He smiles and sticks out his hand.

"I'm Shane." Shaking his hand, I smile at his polite gesture.
"No name in return?" He asks

"I have a weird thing about names but Ricks been calling me Peach so I guess that works." He smiles

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