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I haven't seen Rick in days. Not since he ran off after finding out his wife is dead. He hasn't come to our cell to sleep, he's never around the group. There's no doubt he's around here somewhere but I'm worried about him. Daryls been more of a dad to that baby then it's actual father has. At the moment it's name is lil ass kicker, due to no actual name being chosen. Some people have seen Rick here and there but not me. I'm not sure he wants to see me seeing as his actual wife by law is dead and I'm not. I decided that to clear my head I'd go on a run with Glenn.

"What are we getting again?" I ask as we exit our vehicle.

"Uh stuff for babys?" Glenn says more as a question.

"And that is what exactly?" I simply get a shrug in response and I laugh. Maggie was supposed to come with us but she decided to stay and help Beth with the baby so it's just me and Glenn. But it's okay because he's my best friend. We load our guns just in case and check for walkers.
"It's clear outside." I somewhat shout at Glenn just in case there was any geeks I didn't see.

"Okay let's go in." I follow his orders and we go inside, looking for anything of use. When I turn the corner and see Glenn he seems really tense so I grab his shoulder in a soothing way.

"Hey you okay?" I question him and run my hand up and down his arm. He looks at his feet and lets out a sigh.

"Yea. There's something up with Maggie, she hasn't been talking to me and I don't even know what I did!" He exclaims and I pull him into a hug.

"I'm sorry Glenn. I understand how you feel. Rick isn't speaking to me either. It's sucks." When I pulled back he seemed upset yet slightly angry. I understood that feeling very well. He simply stares into my eyes and leans in, kissing me. I push him away quickly and I see the regret in his eyes.

"Oh my god Peach I'm so sor-" I cut him off and hungrily kiss him again. I don't know what came over me. I'm upset about Rick and just need some kind of attention. He didn't hesitate to kiss me back and I tug off his shirt, him doing to same to mine. I jump up and he catches me and roughly rams me up against the wall, all while keeping our lips attached to each other. My hands run through his soft, black hair and he grips my ass, pulling me closer to his crotch, causing me to moan into his mouth. His lips start traveling down my neck and I tilt my head to give him more access. His hips thrusts against mine and I feel his hard on rub against me.



We walk out of the small market, fixing ourselves and carrying the baby formula we were there for in the first place. In all honesty I don't know what came over me. We were both stressed and horny. It didn't mean anything... right? No. Hell no. I'm with Rick and Glenn loves Maggie. It was simply a small fling.

"God I wish it was always this quiet." Glenn states and I nod.

"Same. It's seems a bit too peaceful though. Like somethings gunna go wrong any minute." I look over at Glenn and see his hair sticking up every which way. My bad.
"We should get home." I say and Glenn nods along.

"AND WHERE IS IT YOU FINE PEOPLE ARE CALLING HOME!?" A voice yells and I hear a gun cock. Wait that voice sounds really familiar. I turn and see someone I thought I'd never see again.

"Holy shit." I speak and raise my gun.

"Merle?" Glenn speaks up and Merle let's out a laugh, lowering his gun to the floor.

"Wow!" He says and starts walking forward.

"Y-you made it." I stuttered out.

"Can you tell me? Is my brother alive?" He asks getting right to the point and I look at Glenn.

"Yea. He is." Glenn's voice laced with authority.

"Hey you take me to him and we'll call it even on everything that happened up there in Atlanta." I keep my mouth shut, letting Glenn make the decisions. He probably knows better. Glenn glances at me and I tug my shirt down, seeing as it was stuck from me throwing it on only minutes prior. Merle caught my movement and let's out another laugh.
"No way! You two? Man I always thought you'd end up shagging Officer Friendly!" He laughs again.

"Hey! I am! Well I mean not like that- well I mean sure but- but yea I am with Rick and I'll have him beat your ass!" I let my emotions take ahold of me and Glenn puts his hand in front of me, telling me to shut the fuck up.

"Oooooohhh so you're the side piece?" He questions Glenn and Glenn simply sighs. This is my fault.

"I'll tell Daryl your here. He'll come to meet you." Glenn speaks as calm as possible.

"Woah! Woah! Hold on! Hold up here! The fact that we found each other is a miracle!" He says, his hands raised in defense.

"Yea I wouldn't quite call it that." I spit back and he sends me a glare, trying to keep his composure. He's trying to earn our trust.
"You can trust me."

"You trust us. You stay here." Glenn demands and Merle chuckles. Oh no. He pulls a gun out and shoots, but misses, breaking the back window. We duck and run for cover but I'm not quick enough, he grabs me putting a gun to my head. When Glenn runs around the corner, he presses the gun harder against me.

"Hey hey hey hold up buddy." Merle says but Glenn doesn't falter.

"Let go if her. LET GO OF HER!" He screams and Merle presses the gun even harder against me, causing me to wince.

"Put the gun in the car Glenn. Put the damn gun in the car!" Glenn does as told and steps away from his weapon.
"Good. Now we're gunna go for a little drive yea? NOW GET IN THE CAR GLENN AND DRIVE!" Tears stream down my face and Glenn doesn't hesitate to do as he's told. We all get in the car, the gun still to my head, and Glenn drives off. I look at him and his eyes are glued to the rode.

"Glenn" I whimper out but he doesn't look at me, though I know he hears me.

"It's okay." He whispers back and that was that.


Okay so I have plans for the next few chapters so imma update faster

-lily ❤️🥺

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