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Heyyy just wanted to quickly say that I skipped a few episodes cuz they didn't have a lot going on in them and I wasn't very inspired by them and I think if u wanted to see the shit ton of dialogue you'd just watch the show sooooo yea. Anyways hope u enjoy. Love y'all.


"RICK!?" I scream as loud as my lungs will allow me.
"RICK!?" I try again attempting to choke through my sobs.
"CARL!? GLENN!?" There's no use. I'm alone. The barns on fire, there's geeks everywhere and I'm alone. My gun fires at any that get near me but I can barely see them through my blurry tears. This is it. This is my end. We've come full circle.
"Rick" I say quieter this time. It's no use. I haven't thought it was the end since Atlanta but Rick came and swept me off my feet, literally. And now I'm going to die here without him. I raise the barrel of the gun to my head and close my eyes. I'd rather go out on my own terms rather than getting eaten alive by a monster.

"PEACH STOP" a gruff hick accent speaks and I look up to see Daryl, already mounted on his motorbike. I'm stunned and for some reason my feet won't move me to him.
"What the hell are you doing!? Come on!" He screams and my brain clicks, sending my legs running to the hillbilly. I swing my leg over the bike, clinging to him as he makes a break. Once on the dirt road, we seem to be clear.

"W-we should go to the highway. I think that's where they would be" I say loudly enough for him to hear me but still keeping my voice down. His head nods and he makes the turn to the highway. The ride from then on was silent. Not a peep was spoken. I mean what did we even have to say? My head lays on Daryls back while we ride to our destination and I feel him eventually stop but I don't care enough to look up, scared I won't see the people I've come to call family. Daryl clears his throat making me look up and thank god I did. When I raise my head I saw the back of his curly haired head and sheriff shirt. Tears brim my eyes and I hop off the bike, though he hasn't even seen me yet. My legs take me as fast as they can and he notices my presence just as I'm right in front of him.

"Pea-" he try's but my lips are already engulfing his. He doesn't hesitate to kiss me back and I can feel my tears leaking down my cheeks, getting on his. When we pull away I hug him harder than I ever had in the past. I've never been so thankful to see his scruffy face.

"Fuck I never thought I'd see you again" I say out of breath on his chest but my mood changed quickly. I step back and slap his arm, tears still falling.
"Don't you ever scare me like that again!" He chuckles and doesn't even flinch at my hit. It probably felt like a kitten swat to him. His hands go to my face, wiping my tears and I lean into him, hugging him for a second time. Once again someone clears there throat and we turn to see a disapproving looking Lori. Shit sticks. She simply rolls her eyes and walks over to Carol. Oh? Improvement? More cars pull up and hugs are shared all around. I turn and see Glenn and I let out a breath of relief. He's facing the other way but I still jog up and grasp him from behind, shocking him a bit.

"Peach?" He already knew without having to turn around. I chuckle and he turns around, hugging me in return.
"Thank the Virgin Mary. I thought I lost my best friend" he says and I squeeze him harder.


A short chapter but eh I'm fucking done with living so who cares. Anyways. Comment and vote. Love y'all.


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