The End

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A few weeks later.

"I have to talk you all into doing something." His filthy mouth speaks. I've been this mans prisoner for weeks now and I only just realized why he has yet to kill me. Leverage. He needs me as leverage against Rick. I'm bait. And now he's making these poor people fight in a war that has nothing to do with them.
"I want us to survive. We're not gunna last out here. The biters, there'll be a heard of them eventually. There's nothing between us and the rest of the world. Nothing between us and them. If we stay out here we will die. The people who destroyed my last camp, they live in a prison. They have walls, fences, plains for farming." I try to yell against the duct tape over my mouth but it's just awards me a yank from the rope around my wrists. I've been walked around like a fucking dog by this man for weeks.
"We can live there but only if we're willing to take it from them." I yell again but he just turns and back hands me. It sucks to admit that I'm used to that my now. My body is littered in cuts and bruises.
"I've captured two of them." He speaks and my eyes go wide. Who? How did I not know?

"What?" A lady I learned is named Tara asks. Tara is a good person, deep down. The governor has simply corrupted her.

"I was scouting the prison, our paths crossed, so I took them." Wow what a well thought out plan dumbass.

"You took them?" Tara asks again.

"They're the key"


The trucks start pulling up to the fences and everyone starts getting out and getting in position. I'm told to stay put like I can go anywhere. Dumbasses.

"Rick!" I hear him yell.
"Come down here! We need to talk!" I haven't seen anyone in the group in ages. Will they even have me back? Well that's if Phillip allows it. I hate him.

"It's not up to me!" I hear his voice. I wish I could say it was one of those moments where I forgot what it sounded like and it was music to my ears but his voice rang in my ears every second of every day.
"There's a council now! They run this place!" There's a what what?

"Is Hershel in the council?" He asked and realization hit me. He took Hershel?
"What about Michonne?" I see them walked in front of the trucks and they kneel down.
"If they aren't reason enough, I have a surprise for you!" Guess it's my time to shine. A man grabs me by the arm and tugs me out of the car and to my knees in the grass. I can see Ricks face drop and relief washes over me at the sight of his face.

"I don't make decisions anymore!" Is he fucking kidding me right now?

"Your making decisions today Rick. Come down here. Let's have that talk." I eventually see Rick break and make his way down the field.

"Let her go. Right now." He speaks once he's only a few feet away. The governor only laughs in return.

"What just her? You don't want the other two?" He teases, pushing Ricks buttons.

"I SAID LET THEM GO!" Phillip gives no reaction and keeps his cool.

"You and your people have until sundown to pack up and leave or they die." Rick looks at me and I try to give him a smile but it's hard in our current situation.

"It doesn't have to go down this way." Ricks eyes never leave mine while he speaks.
"W-we can all live here. That way no one gets hurt." My eyes go wide at his words. This pisses the governor off and I hear him hop off the tank. Suddenly I feel something cold and sharp against my neck. This sends Rick into a panic.
"Is this what you want!? Is this what any of you want!?" Rick try's but it's getting him no where. If there's one thing I've learned while being Phillips prisoner it's he's one stubborn son of a bitch. Oh and a total perv.

"What we want is what you got. Period." A random guy speaks and I feel the blade slowly getting pushed harder against my skin.

"I'm so tired of listening to you talk!" Phillip yells and rips the tape from my mouth.
"Anything you wanna say doll?" Tears roll down my face as I look at the man I've come to love. The world goes to shit and I fall in love. Ironic am I right?

"RICK!" I scream and he comes forward, gripping the fence until his knuckles are white.

"NO NO! OKAY listen! I've fought him before. And after we took in his old friends! They've become leaders in what we have here! Now you put down your weapons, walk through those gates- your one of us." People go silent.
"We let go of all of it and nobody dies. Everyone who's alive right now, everyone who's made it this far. We've all done the worst kinds of things just to stay alive. But we can still come back! We're not too far gone! We get to come back. I know, we all can change." Everyone keeps they're mouths shut and I smile at him and the words he's spoken. The blade is taken off of my neck and I feel relief flush through my body.

"Liar." I feel a sharp pain plunge through my stomach and I gasp out in pain.

"NO!" Rick screams. Truly screams in agony though he isn't the one who has been stabbed. Everyone starts shooting and killing eachother and I just lay down on my side with blurred vision. I feel someone quickly cut the ropes around my hands before running. I try to apply pressure to my wound but it's no use, I can't stop the bleeding. The tanks drive into the prison and it feels like years before someone crouches down beside me. It was Tara. She was crying.

"I-I'm so sorry." He stutters out.

"It's okay." My voice is strained and that's when I hear the angelic voice I've missed.

"PEACH! PEACH!?" He screams and slides to a stop on his knees once he's made his way to me, Carl by his side.
"No no no please no." He cry's as he brings me into his arms.

"R-Rick" I try but he shushes me as he attempts to tend to my wound.
"Rick stop." Tears flood down his face once he finally makes eye contact with me.
"I love you" His eyes go wide. He doesn't answer me as he goes back to trying to fix me up, though we both know he's getting no where.
"Rick please-"

"NO! Your getting out of here. Your gunna be fine!" He try's to fight me but Carl grabs his hands, making him stop his actions.
"I can't lose you again." He cry's and I place my hand on his cheek like he used to do to mine and smile up at him.

"Y-your never gunna believe who I f-found." I try to speak and lighten the mood.
"Morales." I chuckle but my face contorts into pain due to my actions.

"Please don't leave me." He whispers out.

"Willow." I say and he furrows his eye brows at me.
"My n-name. It's Willow. Peach isn't what's on my birth certifica-" I'm cut off as I start to cough uncontrollably. When the fit ends, my eyes droop.
"I love you"

"NO NO!" He screams and I hear small whimpers from where Carl sits beside me. Right as I see the bright light ahead of me, I hear a faint voice.
"I love you too."

I love you too

Wow I can't believe I finished this book. It's been such an amazing ride and I can't thank y'all enough for all the support you have given me. I love you so much. I'm gunna keep writing to drop some suggestions of characters for me to write about. I love you all so much.

-lily ❤️🍑

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