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I hop out of Shane's jeep and we all walk towards the big building. The C.D.C.. I meet up with Rick and we continue walking, his hand on my back, ushering me forward. Bodies lay all around outside as we made our way up to the garage like door. Rick tries to open it but it stays locked.

"Nothing?" Shane calls out and Rick shakes his head. He begins banging on the door and attempts to open it more though it turns out useless.

"There's no one here." T-dog says.

"Then why are the shutters down?" Rick says trying to prove his point to the group.

"Walkers!" Daryl yells and we all turn, weapons aimed, except Rick.
"You led us to a damn graveyard!" He starts getting aggressive, per usual.

"He made a call!" I put my hand on Daryls chest, to keep him away from Rick who has yet to give up on the not opening doors.

"Well it was the wrong damn call!" He yells but backs away.

"Rick it's a dead end." I say lowly to him so only he can hear me but he doesn't attempt to show me he's heard me.

"Where are we going to go." Carol starts worrying, holding her daughter close.

"Rick are you hearing me? There's no blame okay we just need to find somewhere safe." I say grabbing his arm but he doesn't even glance my way. He just stares at the doors as if looking at them will make them magically open.

"She's right. We can't be here after dark, this close to the city!" Lori speaks up. Damn never thought she's side with me.

"Fort Benning Rick come on!" Shane speaks up. Everyone trying to get through to him but he's not listening.

"We need to go now!" Lori says. And she's annoying again.

"We- we can think of something." Rick says lowly, upset his plan didn't work out.

"Rick please we need to go." I say calmly, grabbing his wrist. He doesn't move. I put my hands on his face, crouching down slightly, trying to make him look at me.
"Rick we need to go okay? Please come on. It's not safe out here." He finally looks at me in the eyes but doesn't speak.
"I can't lose you." I pause.
"None of us can. Please Rick." I whisper and this finally makes something click in his brain. He starts to walk away with us but turns back around looking at the door.

"The camera, it moved!" He says.

"You imagined it." Dale says, still ushering people to their cars.

"No it moved. Peach it moved." He looked at me, basically pleading, knowing I would be the only one to back him up.

"Rick it's dead. There's nothing there. It's dead!" Shane tried backing him up but he gets out of his hold, storming up to the door.

"I know your in there! I know you can hear me! Please, we're desperate!" Rick yells at the camera.

"Rick please." I try again, grabbing his arm but he shrugs me off, pushing me back a bit.

"We have woman! Children! Please! You have to let us in!" He continues screaming.

"RICK THERES NO ONE HERE!" I scream getting in front of him. I hate to discourage him but he's getting himself killed. Getting all of us killed.

"YOUR KILLING US! YOUR KILLING US!" He screams at the camera as Shane regains his hold on him and pulls him away.

"COME ON BUDDY LETS GO!" Shane yells. Everyone's shouting and Rick just keeps screaming at the camera while we pull him away.  When Rick finally turns around to walk on his own, a sharp noise is heard and a bright like is shown as the door opens into the C.D.C.  Everyone looks at each other in shock before we slowly make our way inside, guns armed and ready.

"Hello? Hello?" Rick calls out but it just echos back at us. Is there even anyone here. Then, a gun cocks.

"Anybody infected!?" The unseen man yells.

"One was. He-he didn't make it." Rick states, taking charge of the group.

"Why are you here? What do you want?"

"A chance" I say, my voice quivering.

"That's asking an awful lot these days lady." He says to me, gun pointed at me and Ricks pointed at him.

"We know." Rick continues for me.

"You all submit to a blood test. That's the price of admission." Oh fuck, I hate needles.

"We can do that."  Rick responds and the man lowers his gun, Rick following his actions.

"If you have things to bring in, you do it now. Once these doors are closed they don't re-open." He says and I let out a sigh of relief. Thank God this worked out. We all get inside and someone named Vi sealed the entrance. I guess there's no turning back now.

"Rick Grimes." He says sticking out his hand to the man.

"Dr. Edwin Jenner." He replies and shakes Ricks hand, then mine, seeing as I was right there. He shows us to an elevator and takes us to the main floor and into a hallway with lots of doors.

"Are we underground?" Carol asks. I was wondering the same thing.

"Just try not to think about it." He says and I'm guessing that's his way of saying yes. Once we arrive in a big lab he starts talking again.
"Vi bring up the lights in the big room!" And the lights come up, just as requested.
"Welcome to Zone 5." We all travel into the large, fluorescent lit room, full of computers and big screens.

"Where is everyone? Other doctors, staff?" The room is way too empty, the atmosphere being cold and lonely.

"I'm it. Only one left."

"What about the person you were speaking with. Vi?" Andrea asks.

"Vi! Say hello to our guests! Tell them Welcome!"

"Hello guests, welcome." A robotic voice speaks from above. He really must be the only one left...

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