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Me, Shane, and Rick make our way through the woods. We thought splitting would be a good idea but being between both of them at the same time sucked. We were walking for miles when Rick heard something, motioning for us to stop. We did as told and followed the sound to see a beautiful deer standing in a clearing. It's the most wonderful thing I've seen in a long time. I let out a chuckle under my breath and start slowly walking forward to it. I keep getting closer and closer. It's amazing. I can't even put it into words. Suddenly a sharp pain floods through me. It's the worst pain I've ever felt in my life. I cry out and slowly watch the world around me fade to black.


Ricks POV
I run with her limp body in my arms across this massive field. I can't lose her. I can't lose her. Not Peach.

"Please baby please come on please" I mutter and I sprint as fast as my legs can take me.

"Hey come on shit head! Get us there!" Shane screams at the large man. I mean how did the bullet go through the deer? Straight through. And how did he not see a whole human being behind it!?

"How far!? HOW FAR!?" I scream, slowing down to speak. I can't lose her. She needs help now. I have to get her there. My peach.

"Another half mile that way! Get Hershel!" I run again, not caring about the aching all over my body. I just have to make sure she lives. She's one of the only people I have. I grunt and scream out in frustration while I carry her. Her limbs fly everywhere and she looks so helpless. But she's still beautiful. There isn't a moment of any point in time where she isn't beautiful. After a while more of running I come across a farm and make my legs travel faster. A family makes there way out of the house eyeing me and my Peach.

"Was she bit!?" An older man yells out to me.

"Shot! By your man!" I make my legs slow down so I can talk to them without completely losing my breath.


"He said find Hershel. Is that you!?" I cry out as the old man walks to me.
"Help my baby please!" I scream.

"Get her inside! Patricia, I need my full kit! Maggie, painkillers, coagulates, grab everything! Clean towels, sheets, alcohol!" The man yells orders around the house while I carry my sweet Peach inside. She's so fragile, I feel as though she could break from one wrong step.
"Pillowcase" he demands me but I can't even comprehend his words from everything swarming through my head.

"I-is she alive?" I more mutter to myself than anyone else.

"Pillowcase!" He screams again and I start to do as told still questioning if my babys alive.
"I need you to put pressure on the wound" I do as he says yet still in shock. He lifts her shirt and I see her scratched up yet beautiful body. I can't lose this beautiful person. My beautiful person.
"I've got a heartbeat" the old man shouts out to everyone in the room and a tear of joy runs down my face.

"I've got it! Step back!" A women says loudly in my ear but I'm so overwhelmed I can't even get myself to move.

"We need some space" a younger girl says

"Your name?" Someone else yells out. I've lost track. I'm just focused on my Peach.

"R-rick. Rick" I say trying to find my voice.
"I'm- I'm Rick"

"Rick, were gunna do everything we can, okay? You need to give us some room" I nod and step back slowly as I watch my unconscious girl fight for her life.


Peach POV
I dart up from a soft bed, coughing my lungs out. Where the hell am I? Is this an actual bed? I start gasping for air and hear the door slam open. Tears are rushing down my face and I can't seem to find my air. Suddenly I see Ricks beautiful face come in front of mine, guiding me to breath and I eventually get it down.

"Are you really awake" he whispers out, looking up and down my body. I try to laugh but am filled with immense pain when doing so.

"Where are we?" I croak out and Rick runs his hand up and down all of my body, as if to make sure this wasn't just his imagination. I look to my right to see an old man by the door that I don't know and my body is taken over by fear.

"Shh-shh-shh. Thats just Hershel. We're in his house. He saved you" he says in a hushed tone.

"Rick it hurts." I cry out and he nods.

"I know baby. I know. Just try to breath" I close my eyes and breath with him but it doesn't help. I suddenly feel a rush of tiredness take over me.

"I'm sleepy" I mumble out and he chuckles.

"Then get some sleep" he says removing himself from the bed but I call out before he can leave.

"Wait! Can you stay with me?" I ask and he smiles. He doesn't even respond, he just climbs into the bed next to me and I cuddle into his side. He places a soft kiss on my forehead and I drift off to sleep.

Bruhhhh plot twist. Also I've decided that I think I'm going to make Carl and Peach get closer so that Carl can be a bigger part of the story. It's just hard because he doesn't have a ton of significance when he's younger.
Anyways babies make sure to comment and vote!

-lily ❤️❤️

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