Dead Man Walking

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He stomps his way over to us with a bag full of guns.

"Time to grow up people" Shane, with a still swollen and bruised face says, taking charge that doesn't belong to him. The whole fight earlier just made his temper ten times worse. Everyone starts grabbing guns and going along with it. Shane holds one out to me and my arm doesn't move. This isn't our land! We have no place to do such a thing! Glenn sighs and grabs the gun for me, slipping it into my holster. I shoot him a glare and he gives my back a small pat.

"Shane you do this and my dad will have you gone by tonight!" Maggie tries to interrupt his little break down. I like her, she knows how to take charge.

"W-we can't leave though" Carl stutters out. I know the kid likes to tell everyone he's big and tough but he's still a kid. He needs a home. Not constantly on the move, not knowing what the hell tomorrow holds. After the whole Rick kissing thing no one has really talked about it. And thank god because we have bigger problems to deal with.

"We're not going anywhere! Now Hershels just gotta understand" Shane says, still distributing weapons.

"That's not how it works Shane" I wail out. We finally found a place, why does he have to screw everything up!? He walks over and neals down in front of Carl and I can feel my protectiveness coming out.

"Now I want you to take this. You take it Carl and you do whatever it takes" I put my hand on Carl's chest, pushing him away from Shane a bit. He's a kid!

"Shane back the hell off" I position myself in front of Carl, keeping him out of Shane's reach.
"Where the hell is Rick!?" I call out to the group and get lots of shrugs in return.

"Oh. Shit." T-dog says and we follow his gaze to see Rick helping Hershel 'save' some walkers. We all start running in that direction, me more to stop Shane from doing anything stupid.

"What the hell are you doing!?" Shane screams as Rick who struggles to keep the monster in place.

"Shane back the hell off!" I scream and get in front of him, but I get shooed off to the side.

"Why do your people have guns?" Hershels speaks, keeping his composure unlike everyone else on this damn farm.

"Are you kidding me!? You see? You see what they're holdin' onto!?" Shane screams and there's nothing I can do to stop him so I stand by and watch like everyone else. The boys scream back and forth at each other, which they seem to do quite often nowadays. Shane starts shooting at a walker, clean shots right through the torso but the thing doesn't flinch. After trying to prove his point further he walks up to the monster and shoots it straight through the head, earning screams. I can't say I'm mad because those things are killing monsters but he always has to take things a step too far. We all stare at him in disbelief, he's really trying to get us kicked out of this nice place we finally have to call a 'home'.
"Enough! Risking our lives for a little girl who's gone!" He's such an asshole! How could he just say that right in front of Carol?
"Enough living next to a barn full of things that are trying to kill us! Enough! Rick, it ain't like it was before! Now if y'all want to live, if y'all want to survive, you gotta fight for it! I'm talking about fighting right here, right now!" After his final scream he runs to the doors of the barns. Oh. Fuck. I put my hand on top of my gun, ready to pull it out if I need it. Rick screams protests at Shane but he's deaf to him.

"Please Shane stop" I scream out but he won't listen to anyone here. Everyone's yelling. With one last bang on the door, he backs up, raising his weapon. The moment I see the first foot, my guns out of my holster, aiming to fire. People start to run up to the line with there guns being fired. Andrea, then Daryl, then T-dog, then Glenn. No one wanted this but we need to protect our people. I look back to Rick and he just stares into my eyes. I thought he was going to be mad but he eventually just gives me a reluctant nod, making me go back to firing. Once all are laid on the floor dead, I lower my weapon, letting out a very shakey breath. I feel Ricks presence behind me but I don't care to turn around. Everyone huffs in and out from the adrenaline of it all. The farm family are all crying behind us at their lost loved ones, who were already lost. When we thought all was said and done, a smaller growl comes from in the barn. I re-aim my gun and wait for the last walker to show itself. When I see the small shoes and short red hair I know who I'm looking at. I lower my gun to my side and watch out of pure shock. Carol tries to run to her daughter but is stopped by Daryl. We all watch, dumbfounded, at the sweet little girl that once was, walking to us to tear off our flesh. No one moves and no sounds are heard other than Carols cries. Nobody has the guts to raise there gun and end it, nobody except me. I walk past everyone to the girl, raising my gun. We all wait for the sound of the trigger being pulled and wince when it does. The bang seeming to be loader than any other of the gunshots we fired previously. We all watch as the little girls lifeless body drops to the ground with the rest of the dead and I feel a tear slip down my face. The things her mother must be feeling right now, I couldn't even begin to imagine. I mean losing a sibling or parent, sure, but losing your child. The person you raised and loved and that grew inside you. That hurt in her heart, I will never understand.

I wrote this at 4:30 AM so sorry if it sucks ass. But we found little baby Sophia 😔 poor girl
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