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"Merle!" I hear someone yell.
"Merle! Get your ugly ass out here!" They yell again and I turn around to see a man I have yet to meet.
"Caught us some squirrels! Let's stew 'em up."

"Daryl, just slow down a bit. I need to talk to you." Shane takes charge. Wait wasn't Merle the guy we left on the roof? Oh my god! We left Merle on the roof! I'm so stupid, how had I not realized!?

"Bout what?" His hick accent very prominent. I walk up to where the group is forming. I've never been good at minding my own business.

"About Merle." Shane says with a hint of carelessness in his voice.
"There was a problem in Atlanta." The man named Daryl catches on pretty quick to Shane's words.

"He dead?"

"We're not sure." Shane's hangs his head and scratches the back of his neck, another sign of him not truly caring about if Merle is alive or not.

"He either is or he ain't!" The guy starts getting aggressive and I go to take a step forward but Ricks arm stops me. I didn't even know he was beside me.

"There's no easy way to say this, so I'll just say it. " Rick speaks up. I walk by his side, keeping my head tall.

"Who the hell are y'all?" He asks.

"Rick Grimes this is-" He pauses for a moment, not completely sure on how to refer to me.
"This is Peach" I smile slightly at the name but quickly go back to my serious stance.

"Your brother was a danger so Rick handcuffed him on the roof to a piece of metal. He is still there." I spoke up and I can tell this worried Rick. We don't know this guy and he wants to take the blame all on himself. I don't see that as fair.

"Hold on let me process this. Your telling me you handcuffed my brother to a roof!?" He pushes me slightly and Rick pushed him right back without a second of hesitation.

"Don't you dare touch her!" He yells and I grab Ricks arm to keep him from doing any further damage to the hick, though I couldn't stop Daryl. He threw a punch at Rick but Shane intervened and pushed Daryl to the ground. It got violent quickly and before I knew, the hick pulled out a knife and started swinging it around. Without noticing, I grabbed Ricks hand, intertwining our fingers and he gave my hand a quick, comforting squeeze. Eventually, with some work of wresting and yelling, they got him under control. Once Daryl was on the ground, Rick went to talk to him, resulting in him dropping my hand.

"I would like to have a calm discussion on this topic." Rick states, seeming to be all cool and collected.
"You think you can manage that?" Hick reluctantly nods his head and is thrown to the ground.
"What I did was not on a whim. Your brother does not play well with others. You should have heard the things he said to Peach and Andrea. The things he said to T-Dog!" Rick slowly loses his once calm and collected.

"It was my fault. I dropped the key." T-dog spoke up.

"You couldn't pick it up!?" Daryl says, his voice quivering.

"I dropped it in a drain." I close my eyes and let out a sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose between my fingers.
"But I chained up the door to the roof so the geeks couldn't get him. With a padlock."

"That has to count for something." I speak up in attempt to help.

"Will someone shut her up!" Daryl yells.

"Hey! What's your problem with me!?" I yell back and start forward but Shane grabs my arm, yanking back.
"Ow damn it!" I say to him. His grip is hard.

"Just tell me where he is so I can go get him." Daryl says to Rick.

"He'll show you." The wife speaks up, her voice tense and annoyed, before she walks off in another direction, bringing everyone's attention with her.


"Look I just don't trust her okay? She's all over you! Don't think I didn't notice all the looks and all the touching and protecting each other!" Lori pesters me in the tent. She doesn't like that I'm taking Peach with me. She really doesn't like anything I do honestly.

"Lori, she's skilled and helpful and sticks by my side. I wouldn't have found you without her!" I bicker back and for a moment, it's quiet.

"I see how you look at her. You haven't looked at me that way in years." I don't respond. I just grab her face, place a small kiss on her lips, and tell her goodbye. I hate to admit it but I care about Peach. A lot. But Lori's my wife and we have a child that needs me. I hear bickering similar to what was going on in my tent coming from a tent near by so I go to check it out. You know, make sure everyone's okay.

"Shane I have to go! They need me!" Thats Peaches voice. I could recognize it from miles away.

"No peach your not going!" And that's Shane. Are they together? I mean they kissed but I never really thought much about it. She just met him. I mean, she just met me but it's different. I know her.

"Why are you being such an ass today!?" She whisper yells, trying not to draw attention, even though they have already caught mine. Though, when I hear footsteps, I quickly walk away, not wanting to be caught ease-dropping.

Ooooooo Ricks standing up for Peachhhhhhh 😱😱😱 lmao comment and vote ❤️


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