Filthy Man

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Ricks POV yayyyy

"Your gunna have to tell us how you found us. And why you were carrying the formula." I speak to the woman that showed up to the fence of the prison with supplies for a baby.

"The supplies was dropped by a young Asian guy with a pretty girl. Maybe have been a couple." She speaks. Glenn and Peach. They went out on a run.

"We're they attacked?" Hershel speaks up.

"Taken." Her words are low and short.

"Taken? By who?" I feel worry rush though my veins.

"By the same son of a bitch who shot me." Well that's not very helpful is it?

"Hey these are our people." I get low and in her face. I need to know where Peach is.
"Tell us where the are now!" I yell and stick my hand on her wound. She grunts and pushes me away.

"Don't you ever touch me again!" She yells and Daryl raises his crossbow.

"You'd better start talking or your gunna have a much bigger problem then a gunshot wound!" Daryl speaks but I put my hand up to him to tell him to calm down.

"You came here for a reason." I try and I see her giving in.

"There's a town. Woodbury. About 75 survivors. I think they were taken there. It's run by this guy who calls himself The Governor. Pretty boy, charming, Jim Joans type." She explains. I look at Daryl, trying to read his thoughts on this. An entire town?

"He got muscle?" Daryl questions.

"Paramilitary wannabes." She answers and I let out a breath.

"You know a way in?" I say taking a step closer to her. My girl is in there and I'm not fucking resting till she's back with me.

"The place is secure from walkers, but we could slip through." She says with a smirk.

Peach POV

I sit at the end of a large table, my hands tied behind my back. I've heard people going in and out of Glenn's room but no one has yet to visit me. That was until right now. The metal door creaks open and I am met with a tall, handsome, yet creepy man. He says nothing as he eyes me and sits in the seat opposite of me. I don't dare let my tears slip out as I don't want to seem weak.

"I want to talk to Glenn." I break the silence.

"I can't allow that." He shoots back.
"Your people are dangerous. If you simply tell us where they are we'll bring them here. You'll be safe I promise." I keep my mouth shut, not saying a word, and look at the floor.
"No? Fine. Let's try something else." He raises from his seat, pulling out a knife. I flinch, waiting for the sharp metal to cut my skin but instead he cuts through my shirt and has my whole body on display. I gasp but can't cover myself up due to the rope binding my hands together . A smirk plays on his face and his finger tips run across the top of my breasts.

"Please stop." I whisper out and he looks at me.

"No I'm quite enjoying this." He takes the knife again, cutting through my bra, now leaving me fully exposed. He smiles, crouching down to be face to face with my breasts.
"Wow. Quiet breath taking." His fingers stop suddenly and he looks up at me.
"Is this a hickey?" He questions, pushing roughly on the bruised skin from just hours ago with Glenn. I let out a whine and this causes 'the governor' to roll his eyes. He leans forward, swiping his tongue across the already colored spot and I finally let the tears run down my cheeks.

"Please stop." I try again but he doesn't budge.
"PLEASE STOP!" I scream and this takes him by surprise. He gets back on his feet and wraps a hand around my throat. I suddenly hear Glenn on the other side of the thin wall, screaming.

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