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"Morning." I groan, walking into the common area.

"Are you hungover!?" Carl shoots up and I chuckle, simply giving his hair a ruffle.

"Eggs?" T-dog speaks up and I nod, the fluorescent lights in the common room making me raise my hand to block them out. Glenn moans in response to T-Dog, as he was the drunkest out of all of us last night. I look at him but my eyes end up roaming over to Ricks.
"Protein helps the hangover." T-Dog lays some eggs on my plate and I roll my eyes playfully at him.

"Where'd y'all get all this?" I ask and Carl pops up again.

"The doctor gave it to us!" He says and I laugh at him. He's so cute. Then, Shane walks in.

"Mornin." He says and lays a kiss on my head, shocking me. I forgot about the Shane making Lori jealous thing. The kiss on the head earns looks of confusion from some people, including myself, and a dark stare from Rick.

"What's wrong with your neck?" I say and pull down the color of his shirt. He swats my hand away and I sit back in my seat with a huff.

"Must have done it in my sleep." That's the most bullshit I've ever heard.

"Never seen you do that before." Rick has suspicion laced all in his voice.

"Me neither." Shane gives a look of saying to let it go but glances at Lori subtly. Before I can say something about it, a feeling of nausea washes over me so I excuse myself from the table, rushing into the bathroom. I lean over the toilet and throw up whatever alcohol was left in my system.

"You okay?" I hear and turn to see Carol. She's a sweet lady but I haven't been able to talk to her much. The people I am close with was Morales, be he left, Rick, but who knows what's happening there, and Glenn. I hadn't really made myself a big part of the group.

"Just getting the rest of the alcohol out of my system." I chuckle and she comes and sits down beside me, wrapping an arm around me. I lean my head on her comforting shoulder.

"I'm sorry your stressed out." She says and runs her fingers through my hair. I take my head off her and raise an eyebrow.
"I can tell this is more than some alcohol. Sometimes this is how your body responds when your upset or stressed." She says and I smile leaning back into her.

"I mean I like someone I can't be with! And I mean I think he likes me back cuz he sure acts like it but what if it's just all in my head? Or what if he's just bored in his marriage and wants someone to mess around with?" I sigh and close my eyes.
"We're in the damn apocalypse and I'm worried about middle school things." I let out a light laugh and so does Carol. She didn't ask any further questions and thank god she didn't because I have no idea what I would have said.
"Thanks for listening to my problems." I smile and she runs her fingers through my hair some more.

"I don't contribute much to the group but this is what I'm here for." She smiles


"Dr. Jenner, I know this has been taxing for you and I hate to ask one more question but... that clock- it's counting down. What happens at zero?" Dale asks Jenner.

"The basement generators run out of fuel..."

"And then?" I speak up. He doesn't answer me.

"Vi, what happens when the power runs out?" Rick speaks up.

"When the power runs out, facility-wide decontamination will occur." The robotic voice answers. Within seconds my feet are taking me to the generators along with Rick, Glenn, Shane, and T-dog. When we enter there are tubes and machines everywhere.

"Y'all check that way. Peach is with me." Rick says and we split up. He takes my hand and leads me with him, resulting in butterfly's erupting in my stomach. Okay stop, this is not the time! We find a fuel tank and it says just about empty. We try shaking it but it's no luck.

"It's empty." I mutter and then the light shuts off and come back on but with a dimmer, less illuminating light.

"Emergency lighting on." Vi speaks. What the hell is going on.

"Y'all find anything?" I yell when the other boys approach.

"Yea a lot of dead generators and more empty fuel drums than I can count." T-dog says, sounding defeated. I let out a breath I hadn't known I was holding in and I hang my head. I thought we found a place. A home of some sorts. Or at least just somewhere we didn't have to run from flesh eating zombies.

"We need to get to Jenner." Shane says so we all run back up to the main floor with everyone else.

"Jenner what the hell is happening!" I yell, lashing forward but Rick holds me back, his arm wrapped around me to keep me from doing anything stupid.

"The system is dropping all the nonessential uses of power." He says all nonchalant like. He has to care right? This isn't just a whatever kind of situation.
"It's designed to keep the computers running to the last possible second." He walks past us. We walk with him, Rick grabbing my hand to keep me close I assume. I know he doesn't realize what he's doing but this is going to come up later with Lori for sure. I can tell by all the looks she's giving me.
"That started when we approached the half-hour mark. Right on schedule." He points to the clock that reads 00:31:28.
Everyone's silent. No one knows what to say.
"Did y'all know the world runs on fossil fuels? I mean how stupid is that!?" He says. Is he drunk or just fucking crazy?

"Let me tell you-" Shane starts to lunge forward but Rick grabs him back just like he had to do to me.

"To hell with it Shane. I don't even care." He says and starts with his leader commands.
"Lori, get our things. Everyone get your stuff." I don't move due to the fact that I don't have any stuff.
"We're getting out of here now!" He screams and everyone starts to scramble but a loud alarm starts up.

"30 minutes to decontamination" Vi says. God I've never hated a robot more in my life. Though I haven't really known any other robots BUT STILL! People try to run again but a wall blocking the entrance comes up.

"No." I breath out and lean onto the desks to keep myself steady.

"Did you just lock us in?" Glenn asks Jenner.
"He just locked us in!" Everyone starts panicking and I can feel my anxiety flaring. My breaths become uneven and I can't see straight. I try to take deep breaths but it won't work. Shit I'm having a panic attack. I'm in the corner of the room trying to not pass out while everyone is fighting and screaming at each other. Come on breath please. We can't have this right now. Tears slip from my eyes and I slide down the wall and lean my head against it. My hyperventilating gets louder and I'm trying to contain myself so my people can get us out of here and not have to worry about me.

"What's the noise?" Someone says and then runs over to me.

"PEACH!" Glenn yells and gets on his knees in front of me. I can't make out any words due to my loss of breath. Everything gets woozy and I starts seeing stars. The last thing I see before passing out is Rick running to my side.

Haha anxiety tings 😗✌️
And that's a wrap on season one.
Anywhooo comment and vote my babies.


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