Go With Your Gut

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I run as fast as my feet can take me. Screams emerge from the camp, gunshots piercing the air. Once out of the woods, walkers swarm while me and the group get to work taking them down.

"Carl!" Rick screams out, but not before grabbing my arm, pulling me along with him.
"Lori!" Carl eventually sees him and runs into his arms, resulting in him letting go of me. Carl cries in his arms and he gets up to go to Lori. Did he just pull me over here to make me suffer and watch him choose his wife. I sound crazy! Of course he would choose his wife. I look over at Shane and he's glaring at the family reunion happening. Everyone pants and looks around and is astonished by all the people we have lost.

"What the hell happened?" I ask to no one in particular. If no one else will speak up then I will.

"I don't know, they came out of no where." Morales replied but is soon cut off by the sound of crying. And it was not a sight I wanted to see. Andrea was leaned over a dying Amy. I let out a sigh of sadness and hang my head for the sweet young girl.


"She still won't move?" Dale questions.

"She won't even talk to us." Lori speaks. Andrea has been over her sisters body all night. Eventually Amy's going to come back and Andrea doesn't need to see that. That's far worse than watching her die.

"We need to deal with it." Shane says and I hit his arm.

"She just lost the only family she has left asshole. Give her some time." I say and he grabs my wrist tight in return.

"Don't call me an asshole." He says with a clenched jaw. I roll my eyes and he throws my wrist away.

"I'll tell her how it is." I say and get up, Rick following suit. I go to crouch down beside her but without turning around, she pulls a gun out, pointing it to my head. Much like our first encounter. Rick automatically pulls me back and places himself in front of the presumably loaded gun.

"I know how the safety works." She speaks for the first time all night.

"Okay. All right. She didn't mean no harm." He starts walking backwards, pushing me back with him.
"It's no use. She knows what she has to do. She just has to decide when to on her own." Rick speaks once we're back in the small huddle we had formed.

"Are you kidding me? That girl's a ticking time bomb!" Daryl says agitated.

"What do you suggest hm?" Dale speaks up on Andreas behalf.

"Take the damn shot. Clean in the brain from right here. Hell let Peach do it!" Daryl starts getting angry.

"For god sakes let the girl be." Lori speaks and for once I can say I agree with her. Though I didn't like saying it. Daryl walks off with a scoff and I roll my eyes at his childish behavior.


"Peaches!" Shane yells at me from across the camp.

"Yes Shane?" I say with annoyance laced in my voice. He's been getting on my nerves recently. Just marching around like he owns the place. Like he owns me.

"I need you to help talk some sense into Rick." He says.

"Why me?" Why wouldn't he go to the man's wife?

"He listens to you!" He says his voice getting aggravated that I won't just do as he says the second he says it.
"Look the C.D.C. thing is a mistake okay? I know you have to stay by his fucking side all the damn time like a little lost puppy but for once just listen to me." I roll my eyes at his childish tone, resulting him grabbing my jaw, hard.

"You keep rolling those eyes honey and they'll fall out your head." He practically growls. I can feel my jaw already bruising under his touch.

"Shane you're hurting me." I say calmly in attempt to get him to back off.

"Hey!" Someone yells.
"Everything okay over here?" It's Rick.

"Yea. Fine." Shane says and pushes my head back, walking away.

"Are you okay Peach?" He asks and tilts my head to look at my jaw.

"I'm fine. Nothing I can't handle." I say putting on a fake smile in attempt to make him believe my words.
"So is it true? Are we leaving?" I ask him while rubbing my jaw.

"We can't stay here. We both know that." He says rubbing his hands up and down my arms.

"What does your gut tell you?" I ask him. If I've learned anything while being in this group, it's Ricks gut is always right.

"It's telling me that we need to go." He stops rubbing my arm when he gets down to my wrist and grabs my hands soothingly.

"Then there's our answer." I say smiling but look to the left to see Dale watching us. I drop my hands from his, him giving me an odd look.
"I'm with you." I say and he gives me a nod and a smile.

"Rick you ready to do our sweep!" Shane yells and Rick goes to Shane but not before stroking my cheek quickly and giving me a smile, filling my stomach with butterfly's.


"I've been thinking about Ricks plan. Now look, there are no guarantees either way. I'll be the first one to admit that. I've known this man a long time. I trust his instincts. I say the most important thing here is that we need to stick together." Shane talks to the group and places a hand on my knee, making me involuntarily jump. And it did not go unnoticed.
"Those of you that agree, we leave first thing in the morning. Okay?" It's silent and no one says anything. Shane gets up to walk off to his tent but turns around and gives me a look of saying 'come on' so I do. Don't get me wrong, I'm not scared of him, but I don't need anymore bruises to make people suspicious. This will all be over once he gets the one he really loves, Lori. And I'll get Rick. Uhhhh I mean, I'll be free. Heh heh right. Free.

We're in quarantine so I have a lot of time on my hands which means more chapters. Comment and vote ❤️


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