Stand My Ground

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We all sit around in the makeshift camp we made in Hershels yard, eating breakfast and whatever else we had to do.

"Um, guys." Glenn speaks and I look up from my spot next to T-Dog to see him standing in front of everyone.
"So... the barn is full of walkers" He blurts out. Everyone's heads jolt up at his words, including mine. Within seconds, everyone's feet carries them to the barn and Shane takes a peek inside. He walks back towards us, rubbing a hand over his now bald head.

"You can not tell me you're all right with this" Shane stomps his way towards Rick.

"No I'm not but we're guests here! This is not our land!" Rick yells back and I put my hand on his chest to steady him.

"This is our lives!" Shane fights.

"Lower your voices" I whisper yell. If they hear us and all come barging out then we're done for.

"We have to go in there and make things right or leave Rick!" Shane yells even though I told him to be quiet.

"We can't go!" Rick tries to quiet down and I smile a tiny bit knowing he listened to me.

"Why Rick? WHY?" God did he not learn about inside voices in what, Kindergarten?

"Because we have to find Sophia Asshole!" I say in a low voice but still getting the anger across.

"You don't talk to me like that" she seethes, gripping my jaw, making me wince.

"Hey get your hands off of her!" Rick shoves Shane away from me and pulls me to his side.

"We are close to finding this girl! I just found her damn doll two days ago!" Daryl steps forward. Great we're all yelling now.

"You found her doll Daryl. Not her! A doll!" GOD HES SUCH A DOUCHE BAG! Everyone starts yelling at eachother and Rick tries to get them to stop but I'm done with there childness.

"HEY!" I yell over the twelve million conversations. Who fucking cares anymore about the walkers in the barn. I'm pretty sure they would have heard us by now so what do I have to lose?
"Can everyone just please shut the hell up" Shane grunts and walks in the other direction and I huff out a breath causing Rick to subconsciously bring his hand to run through my hair, earning some odd looks. Suddenly there was knocking and banging coming from the barn doors. See I told these dumbass' to shut the hell up but no one listens to the little one.


"Man what the hell happened to you" I laugh at Glenn as he approaches me with a head covered in egg. He rolls his eyes and slumps down next to me.

"Yea. Thank Maggie for that" I laugh harder at that and he nudged me with his elbow, causing my snickering to die down.

"You did the right thing Glenn" I put my hand on his back and he smiles.

"I know I did. Still sucks getting a hat full of egg" I couldn't help but snicker again until I see Shane approaching and I stop my laughing abruptly.

"Peach. Can I talk to you?" He says and I nod, giving Glenn's shoulder a squeeze before walking off behind Shane.

"What's up?" I question and shove my hands in my pockets.

"Is there something you wanna tell me" he says giving me his signature weird glare look.

"Uhhh nice haircut?" I chuckle and he rolls his eyes.

"So you just weren't gunna tell me you're fucking a married guy?" My face drops and my breath hitches in my throat.


"Don't think I didn't see y'all's little show in the bedroom the other night" Fuck. That's who it was.

"I wasn't aware I had to report all my actions to you" I lace my voice with sass.

"Well we had a deal" he says taking a step closer to me, but not in a sexy way, in an intimidating way.

"Shane you literally don't even talk to me anymore so how was I supposed to know that was still going on?" I put my hands on my hips and raise a brow at him. This causes a snarl to come across his face. In all honesty I'm more scared of Dale then I am Shane. He's just a insecure little bitch.

"Don't give me your attitude Peach" he snarled and tries to intimidate me by getting in my face, but I just do the same back.

"Or. What?" I snark and his hand comes up, sending a sharp hard slap across my face. I taste metallic and touch my lip to feel it swollen and bleeding.

"You done?" His jaw clenching

"Never" I know I'm asking for it but I'm not his bitch. His hand comes up and wraps around my throat, and not in a sexual way, in a 'your gunna fucking die' way. We stare at each other with hate until he finally pulls away and walks off. I rub my neck and I can already feel it bruising. I walk back to our makeshift camp and sit down next to Rick. His hand jolts up to wipe blood from my lip.

"What happened?" Worry strikes his face.

"Nothing I just fell" his eyes stare deep into mine, not believing a word in saying. His eyes scan back down and widen at the sight of my already purple neck. His eyes look at mine with demand and I unintentionally scan my eyes to Shane's. When Rick follows my eyes and sees the person who caused me this pain, he's on his feet faster than the flash. Shane turns to see his 'friend' approaching but is automatically met with a fist to the face. People in the group yell out but Rick just keeps beating the douche to the ground. Daryl eventually steps in and pulls Rick off but that doesn't stop him from trying to wiggle out of his arms.

"IF YOU EVER FUCKING TOUCH HER AGAIN I WILL MAKE SURE YOU END UP IN THE DAMN BARN WITH THE REST OF THOSE DEAD SONS OF BITCHES!" He screams at the bloody Shane still on the floor. Daryl lets him go and he walks off in the other direction, me right on his heel. I grab his wrist, stopping him from walking, and turn him around to meet my lips. My hands stay on his cheeks and his go to wrap around the back of my neck, causing me to wince and he replaces them on my hips. Everyone in the group stared with wide eyes and I heard someone cat whistle. When I detached from him to turn and look at the people I like to call family, I see everyone dumbfounded apart from Glenn, who I tell everything too, Daryl, who looked as happy as can be, and Lori, who was so red in the face she looked as though she could have fire coming out of her ears. I blush and look down and Rick chuckles at my shy state. I could murder someone in cold blood and be chilling but the minute I get a lot of attention I sink into my grave.

Idk if I should have Carl upset about it or support the hell out of them and like turn on his mom or some shit 😂😂 sorry I just have a burning hatred for Lori. She doesn't not deserve out fine man Rick Grimes.
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