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I sit on my bed, staring at a wall, thinking everything over. We've had a hectic few days. And that's just an understatement.

"Howdy." I hear from the door way and a light smile covers my face.

"Heya Cowboy." He chuckles and takes a place next to me, putting his hand on my knee in a comforting way.

"What's goin on inside that bright head of yours?" He asks and a red tinge covers my face.

"I just have a lot on my mind is all. Nothing big and important." I smile at this man that I've found myself to be head over heels for and I watch a smirk grow on his face.

"I have some ideas on how to put your mind at ease." I smirk back at him and his lips kiss down my neck and to the valley of my breasts. I enjoy it at first but when I feel his tongue glide against my skin, the whole world flashes back. I feel like I'm tied to the chair all over again with the nasty mans hands all over me. I quickly push Rick away from me, resulting in a concerned frown.

"I-I'm sorry I just-  I can't help but still feel his touch all over me." I say and look at my lap.

"Hey hey it's okay." He raises my chin with his two fingers and pecks me on the lips.
"Whenever your ready, okay?" I nodded with a smile. The moment was perfect but perfect can't last forever in this world right? Gunshots, and lots of them, sound through the echoed hallways. Everyone is on the ground when we get outside, fighting for cover. Rick pulls us both down into the grass as he try's to examine what's at hand. But his face sticks out in a crowd. It was him. The Governor. What a stupid name. Doesn't take long for Rick to perch up with his gun. I try following his lead but he makes me stay down. Son of a bitch. How many times are we gunna do this before he realizes I can take care of myself. But this time I don't fight him. I don't wanna look up and see his face or hear his voice. So I do as I'm told and I stay down while I hear the gun shots and watch bullets fly by. It was all just a shoot out until a u-haul busts through the gate, parking in the grass not far from where me and Rick lay. No one comes out or shoots. It's eerily silent. That's until the back busts open and the flesh eating monsters pile out. I decide it's time to pull out my gun and fight. I can't stay down forever. I shoot at the geeks as does everyone else but Rick runs out of ammo.
"SHIT" He seethes and panic takes over me. I throw him my big gun and pull out my hand held one. Everyone is firing and there's lots of fighting but in the end, the men leave and mostly everyone is inside the gate. I say mostly because the Dixon brothers showed up and Rick went down to help them in so the three of them are stuck outside the jail while walkers roam into the courtyard due to us no longer having a gate.


I hear a knock on the metal outside the 'door' and I look up to see Maggie.

"Hey Peach. Wanna talk?" I smile and nod and she sits down next to me.
"Tell me what's going on." I smile and start from the beginning. Which I don't even know where the beginning is at this point.

"-and then he was touching all over me and it was terrible!" I continue to ramble as I have been for the past 20-30 minutes to Maggie as she nods her head and listens all while scratching my back.
"And when Rick saw my hickey and he thought it was from the governor so he got really angry but it was really just from Gle-" I stop myself in my tracks, bringing my hand to cover my mouth. Maggie's head snaps in my direction and he hands stops it's soothing motions as she hears the start of the name.

"What?" He asks me, sounding overwhelmingly hurt.

"N-no it's not like that," I try to stumble out but it's not much work.

"You were gunna say Glenn." She says, looking at me with this look that just makes me want to crawl in a hole and never come out. That's what I deserve.

"No I wasn't" I mumble and her looks stops me.

"DONT LIE TO ME!" She yells and I jump back.

"Okay Maggie I'm so sorry! We didn't mean to!" She stands up and paces in the room.

"You need to leave." She says lowly.

"W-what?" I practically whisper.

"GET OUT! GO! LEAVE! YOUVE CAUSED ENOUGH TROUBLE!" I jump up from the bed and practically run out of the room and into my own. She's right, I need to leave. It's my fault all this is happening. I shove my clothes into a bag and toss it over my shoulder. I almost just step out but not before leaving Rick a note.

I'm sorry for leaving without saying goodbye but I knew you would stop me. I've caused so much destruction and I can't cause any more. I'll always be with you <3


Oooooooo cliffhangerrrrrr lmao. Love y'all so much. Comment and vote!!


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