Waking up

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Wynnona POV

I woke up in the coffee shop finding out I was a lot more pregnant than I was when I fell asleep. I got up to wake Dolls up everything was incredibly dusty like we had been lying there for weeks but judging by the size of my bump it has been weeks.

We took our cars back to the homestead to get Waverly and Nicole we were on our way upstairs when I had just realised something and stopped in my tracks.  "What's wrong?" Dolls asked.

"My sister came home with her girlfriend to have sex.  And I am going to walk in her room where I have no idea what position they will be in.  And you are asking what is wrong."  I replied trying to not shout.

"Well do you want me to go in instead." Dolls said.

"God no I will do it." I said walking towards her room.  "Okay here we go."

I walked into the room and quickly shutting my eyes yep I definitely saw way to much I thought I walked carefully over to the bed keeping my eyes tightly shut. I felt around to grab a pillow and hit it off what I thought was Babygirl's head earning a moan from her. I whispered to her "cover whatever of you and Nicole you don't want me to see so I can open my eyes."

"Okay you can open her eyes now." Waverly said after a few seconds.

I opened my eyes to see that Nicole was still on top of her with her fingers still inside me god that feels amazing. I started placing kisses on top of her forehead stroking her bare back. "Baby wake up" I told her she started to stir blinking her eyes open. Feeling her eye lashes on my boobs. 

"Waverly I will give you 10 mins to get ready and come downstairs". I said walking out the door.

Waverly POV

"Hey babe now as much as I love where your fingers are we do need to get dressed and help Wynnona and Dolls."  I told her placing a kiss on her lips.  She slid her fingers out of me and climbed off the bed grabbing her and my clothes.  We were getting ready she asked me "when we first had sex you were hesitant about and then suddenly you weren't same the next morning when you didn't want to give me an orgasm.  Was it you?"

"Yes it was I remember every second of it, you made me feel wanted and beautiful and I believed you, you never expected anything from me you just wanted me to be me that's what gave me the courage." I responded. "I love you. Why are you smiling at me?"

"I love you too and I am smiling because you are stunning to me and I do want you." she told me kissing me.  "I want you to be you nobody else, you are who I fell madly in love with." 

We walked downstairs holding hands meeting with Dolls and Wynonna.  Dolls handed us an expresso to drink.  We were talking to them about the plan to wake everyone up, Dolls mentioned we needed something else to keep us awake and alert.  Nicole said "there is enough pharmaceuticals in the evidence locker to keep all of purg high buzzing."

Which I responded with "if you shoot it or snort it I am out and so are you." speaking to Wynnona.  Nicole took me outside whilst Dolls and Wynnona spoke she walked me to my jeep and opened the door for me before running back inside for her gloves.

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