The Ring

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Waverly POV

It was morning and everyone was still here after the night before we all managed to get some sleep.  Nicole and I got up the next morning, early and we tried to get the ring off.  "Why did you put it on?"  She asked me when we tried to use butter to get it off.

I thought about it before answering.  "I was meant to."

"What does that mean?"  She asked me.

"I don't know.  But don't you think it's weird that I can't get it off either?"  I said.

"Whoa, wait, wait, wait!"  He said grabbing my finger.

"Ow! Ow!  Jeremy, my finger's still attached."  I said as he was pulling.

"Sorry, sorry, but What's that?" He asked looking at some markings on the ring.  "Maybe Hebrew, or Aramaic?"

"That wasn't there before." Nicole said.

"What?"  I said confused.

"Okay, wait.  Your finger made this word appear? Dictionaries.  We need dictionaries, people!"  Jeremy said heading out of the kitchen.

Wynonna passed him and rushed into the kitchen.  "I know why Bulshar's in the Ghost River Triangle."  She said pulling out some cards from her pocket.  "Perfect Nose Kate read my cards! I'm apparently Tarot twins with Bulshar.  We think these are the cards he wanted.  First, the past."  Wynonna set down the first card on the table.  "The devil, 'cause, yeah, our family's taken a whole metric shit-ton from that demon-bag.  The next card represents the present."  She put down the second card.  "Bulshar wants The Tower."

"Well, that's obviously a wang metaphor."  I said.

"Kate says that represents darkness and destruction."  Wynonna explained.

"Yeah, like I said, Bulshar's wang."  I said.

"But if he gets it, his future is gonna be..". Wynonna said putting the third card down.

"Make-out city? Um, is this about Bulshar's wang?"  Nicole asked confused.

"It's the first two lovers who ever."  Wynonna started and made sex gestures by putting her finger through a hole made by her other thumb and first finger.  "The first first lovers, guys! The first two to grab some birds and rub 'em on their bees.  Season one, episode one of Boneland."

"So the couple normally referred to as Adam and Eve."  Nicole said clearing it up.

"Okay.  So the devil The Tower.  Adam and Eve."  I said taking the cards.

"Paradise!"  Jeremy shouted.

"Jeremy! You dunked on my mic drop, man."  Wynonna complained.

"No, it-it's Arabic on the ring.  It means Garden of Paradise."  Jeremy explained pointing to the book he had.

"What?"  I asked looking at the ring.

"That's what he's after."  Jeremy said.

"Okay, so I had negligent hippie parents and I smoked cigarettes behind the church instead of ever going in, but is paradise supposed to be in North America?"  Nicole asked.

"In the fudging Ghost River Triangle no less."  I said.

"Juan Carlo said this was a sanctuary, right". Wynonna said.  "That's why."  She said grabbing the back of my chair.  "He's looking for the garden."

"No.  He's not looking for the Garden of Eden.  He already found it."  Robin came in and interrupted Wynonna.

"Oh my god." Nicole said.

Wynonna headed out not long after muttering something about Doc and Kate whilst we researched everything on the Garden and Bulshar.

A couple of hours later we took a break and Jeremy and Robin headed home.  Nicole headed to the shops to and to pick up a book at the Library on the Garden.

She came back with lube to try and pull the ring off. We lathered the lube on my finger and Nicole tried to loosen the ring. We both made heavy breathing noises. "Maybe we need more lube?" Nicole said and I felt her loosen the pull on the ring.

"No, no! No, no, no, no. No, don't stop, don't stop." I told her.

Keep going. Almost there." Nicole said thinking that it was coming off.

"No!! Ow, ow, ow! Ow!! Ow." I complained to get Nicole to stop.

"Okay. That's it. Either Bulshar's ring shrunk or your finger chubbed up." Nicole said and I looked at her shocked and a bit hurt. "It definitely shrunk." She corrected.

"YouTube's all out of tricks." I said annoyed. "It's just teens doing mean pranks now."

"Does it hurt?" Nicole asked.

"No, not really. Actually, it's fine. I'll just leave it on." I answered.

"Uh, you Wonder Woman-punched a zombie witch across a room." Nicole said.

"Yeah, boy." I said snuggly and gently punching the air.

"Not "yeah, boy. No, girl! That ring came off a withered, chopped-off demon arm; it turned a face-ripping witch into the Mother of Dragons; and it burned Doc's finger, and turned up in my biscuits!" Nicole complained.

"It also keeps ricocheting back to us each time we try to get rid of it." I pointed out to Nicole.

"What if next time it hurts one of our friends? Or...". Nicole asked.

"Okay. Check the barn, okay?" I said but stopped realising what I started Nicole looked at me suspiciously. "For the giant bolt-cutters from Wynonna's B&E toolkit that I wasn't supposed to tell you about?" I told her.

"Of course. Look, try not to touch anything, okay?" Nicole said and then she kissed me. "I'll get the bolt-cutters."

"Not even you?" I asked.

"Oh, no. When we get that thing off we get off." She said seductively. She headed out.

A few minutes later she came back in.  "Hey did you get the cutters?"  I asked.

"No Wynonna and Doc are in the barn."  Nicole replied and I knew exactly what she meant.  Sex.

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