Sorry Party

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Nicole POV

Waverly and I headed to the Ghost River Triangle boundary line we sat in silence for the car ride. I stopped the car a few yards from the line, I got out and ran round to open the door. I asked "Are you sure about this?"

"We need to know if the baby's Docs." Waves replied. "Okay if the baby starts to scream and I start to struggle because she is burning up get her back over the line."

"I've got you Waves." I said. I watched Waverly walk towards the line, she hesitated before crossing over. After what felt like the longest 30 seconds I ran over to her.

"The baby's Docs well at least she knows where she is from unlike me. Nicole what am I?" She asked me.

"That's easy you are extraordinary." I said leaning to kiss her. We walked back to the car.

"Hey so how is that divorce coming along?" Waves asked.

"Yeah I am on it." I replied chuckling. We got back in the car and drove to rendezvous point. We got there and I climbed out and walked around to Waverly as I saw a helicopter. I held them in my arms and shielded them from the wind caused by it. Waves was kissing the baby on the top of her head.

The helicopter landed and Waves asked "Black Badge?" I drew my weapon as two men in black came out, when I saw Perry I holstered my gun.

"It's Perry."  I said.  I turned back to Waves and  stroked up and down her arms.

"Best private security money can buy."  Perry said.  "I brought a wet nurse.  Did you guys know that wet nurses were even still a thing."

"You're a good man Perry Croft."  Waves told him.

"And still alive thanks to Wynonna.  This is the least I can do."  Perry said.

"Her good deeds are finally paying off."  I said.

"Hey we should get going, just to be safe."  Perry said.  He got closer to take the baby out of her hands.

"Wait, wait."  Waverly said pulling back.

"I got it.  You need to say goodbye."  Perry said.

"Not me."  She said.  Doc approached us and looked at his daughter.  "Here."  Waves handed Doc the baby.  They looked back and forth between each other and the baby.

"Delicate and dainty in blue."  Doc said.  "Where are they taking her?"

"As far away from the Ghost River Triangle as she can get."  Waverly said.  "Aunt Gus is waiting."  The wet nurse took the baby from them.

"Goodbye little girl."  Doc said to his daughter.  I put my arm around Waverly as they walked back to the helicopter and took off.  We watched as the helicopter went over our heads.  Then Doc walked back the way he came and I held Waverly as she sobbed into my chest.

A little while later after the sobs subsided I pulled back a little to look her in the eyes. "Shall we head home now?" I asked.

Before she could answer her phone pinged. "It's Dolls he took Wynonna home but she left on her motorbike." Waves said.

"She probably needs time." I said.

"I know. Can I come back to yours I don't want to be alone." Waverly said.

"I wasn't going to leave you alone. But of course." I said guiding her around to the passenger side and helping her in. I closed the door and made my way round to the driver's. We drove in silence back to my place. When we arrived I opened the front door and allowed Waverly in first. I guided her up the stairs and into the bathroom. "You have a shower whilst I get you some clothes, feed Calamity and order Chinese food."

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