The Doctor

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Nicole POV

I woke up the next day and reached across and gently stroked Waverly's stomach. When she started to stir I flipped over to face her. I moved my hand and moved the hair that was in the way. When I could completely see her face I started to stroke her cheek there was some drool on the side of her mouth and I never thought she could get any cuter. I never thought I would ever get this lucky, I am in love with the most beautiful woman in the world and she wants me back.  Waverly opened her eyes and smiled at me which made my heart melt.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Waverly asked.

"What am I not allowed to stare at my beautiful girlfriend." I replied. Before Waverly could reply she got a text from Wynonna. She said that she had to go as a Doctor was coming to see Wynonna and so she changed back into yesterday's clothes and left.

As she was getting changed I went into the kitchen to make her a tea and write something down on a piece of paper which went into an envelope.  When she came downstairs I handed her the team and envelope.  She had a confused look on her face so I said "just open it."

She opened them to find dates written "what are these for?" She asked. 

"They are when I am on my period.  You don't need to give me your dates but I know you like to plan so there you go and I know you get will probably get embarrassed if you planned to have sex and we couldn't. I love that you are planner so don't ever change." I replied.

"Thank you Nicole, and mine usually last 4 days.  I love you.  Most people thought my planning was stupid so thank you."  She said.

We finished our drinks and she left to go home.  I got myself ready and did some housework.

Waverly POV

I got back home just in time for the doctor to visit Wynonna.  Doc and Dolls were already there sitting in the kitchen having a coffee. I enjoyed them whilst the doctor checked over Wynonna in private, a little while later the doctor emerged into the kitchen for Dolls to take her back to the hospital. I went into the room and found Wynonna lying on her bed groaning. I asked "are you okay?"

"No they want to do genetic testing." She replied.

"And that is a problem because... what is Doc terrified of needles now." I said.

"No it's not that it's Doc may or may not be the father." She said closing her eyes.

"Oh" was all I could say with a surprised look " what are you going to do."

"I suppose I will have to tell him."  She replied getting up and walking into the kitchen.

"Tell me what" we heard as we came into the kitchen and saw Doc.

"I think that is my cue to leave" I said looking at Wynonna.  I walked outside outside not long after Doc walked past looking upset and drove off. Not wanting to leave either of them alone I rang Nicole and placed my phone next to my ear it ringed a couple of times before she answered "hey babe."

"Hey Nicole can you do me a big favour?" I responded.

"Yes of course anything.  What do you need?" She said.

"Can you come over and look after Wynonna for a couple of hours please?" I asked.

"Yes sure I will be there in 10."  Nicole responded hanging up.  I left in the jeep to follow Doc.

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